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Oracle clustering_factor tips

October 27, 2011

Important 2015 update:  The rules for identification of candidates for index rebuilding are changing.  Please see my updated notes on index rebuilding.

Row re-sequencing is not for every table.  See my notes to understand the concepts behind table row re-sequencing and how to tell if re-sequencing the rows in your table might improve your SQL execution speed.

The clustering_factor measures how synchronized an index is with the data in a table.  A table with a high clustering factor is out-of-sequence with the rows and large index range scans will consume lots of I/O.  Conversely, an index with a low clustering_factor is closely aligned with the table and related rows reside together of each data block, making indexes very desirable for optimal access.

You can improve the clustering_factor for an index by using dbms_redefinition to move the table to an IOT.  This will re-sequence the rows into the same order as the index.

Rules for Oracle indexing

To understand how Oracle chooses the execution plan for a query, you need to first learn how the SQL optimizer decides whether or not to use an index.

Oracle provides a column called clustering_factor in the dba_indexes view that provides information on how the table rows are synchronized with the index. The table rows are synchronized with the index when the clustering factor is close to the number of data blocks and the column value is not row-ordered when the clustering_factor approaches the number of rows in the table.

For queries that access common rows with a table (e.g. get all items in order 123), unordered tables can experience huge I/O as the index retrieves a separate data block for each row requested.

If we group like rows together (as measured by the clustering_factor in dba_indexes) we can get all of the row with a single block read because the rows are together. 

Note:  As we see grouping related rows together can make a huge reduction in disk I/O, and Oracle has embraced this row sequencing idea in 10g and beyond with the sorted hash cluster, a fully supported way to ensure that related rows always reside together on the same data block. 

Today we have choices for row sequencing.  We can even group related rows from several tables together with multi-table hash clusters, or we can use single table clusters, or manual row re-sequencing (CTAS with ORDER BY) to achieve this goal:

To illustrate, consider this query that filters the result set using a column value:

   ustomer_state = ‘New Mexico';

Here, the decision to use an index vs. a full-table scan is at least partially determined by the percentage of customers in New Mexico. An index scan is faster for this query if the percentage of customers in New Mexico is small and the values are clustered on the data blocks.

Why, then, would a CBO choose to perform a full-table scan when only a small number of rows are retrieved? Perhaps it is because the CBO is considering the clustering of column values within the table.

Four factors work together to help the CBO decide whether to use an index or a full-table scan: the selectivity of a column value, the db_block_size, the avg_row_len, and the cardinality. An index scan is usually faster if a data column has high selectivity and a low clustering_factor.

This column has small rows, large blocks, and a low clustering factor.

In the real-world, many Oracle database use the same index for the vast majority of queries.  If these queries always to an index range scan (e.g. select all orders for a customer), them row re-sequencing for a better clustering_factor can greatly reduce Oracle overhead:

Oracle provides several storage mechanisms to fetch a customer row and all related orders with just a few row touches:

  • Sorted hash clusters - New in 10g, a great way to sequence rows for super-fast SQL
  • Multi-table hash cluster tables - This will cluster the customer rows with the order rows, often on a single data block.
  • Periodic reorgs in primary index order - You can use the dbms_redefinition utility to periodically re-sequence rows into index order.

To maintain row order, the DBA will periodically re-sequence table rows (or use a single-table, or multi-table cluster) in cases where a majority of the SQL references a column with a high clustering_factor, a large db_block_size, and a small avg_row_len. This removes the full-table scan, places all adjacent rows in the same data block, and makes the query up to thirty times faster.

On the other hand, as the clustering_factor nears the number of rows in the table, the rows fall out of sync with the index. This high clustering_factor, where the value is close to the number of rows in the table (num_rows), indicates that the rows are out of sequence with the index and an additional I/O may be required for index range scans.

Even when a column has high selectivity, a high clustering_factor, and small avg_row_len, there is still indication that column values are randomly distributed in the table, and an additional I/O will be required to obtain the rows. An index range scan would cause a huge amount of unnecessary I/O as shown in below, thus making a full-table scan more efficient.

This column has large rows, small blocks, and a high clustering factor.

In sum, the CBOs decision to perform a full-table vs. an index range scan is influenced by the clustering_factor, db_block_size, and avg_row_len. It is important to understand how the CBO uses these statistics to determine the fastest way to deliver the desired rows.

For more information on table clustering and row-re-sequencing techniques (and scripts), please see my latest book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference". 
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