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  Reduce I/O with Oracle cluster tables

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Experienced Oracle DBAs know that I/O is often the single greatest component of response time and regularly work to reduce I/O. Disk I/O is expensive because when Oracle retrieves a block from a data file on disk, the reading process must wait for the physical I/O operation to complete.

Disk operations are about 10,000 times slower than a row's access in the data buffers (in Oracle, about 100x faster due to latch overhead). Consequently, anything you can do to minimize I/O or reduce bottlenecks caused by contention for files on disk-greatly improves the performance of any Oracle database.

  • Here is a short video that introduces hash table clusters.  Just click the icon below!

For queries that access common rows with a table (e.g. get all items in order 123), unordered tables can experience huge I/O as the index retrieves a separate data block for each row requested.

If we group like rows together (as measured by the clustering_factor in dba_indexes) we can get all of the row with a single block read because the rows are together.  You can use 10g hash cluster tables, single table clusters, or manual row re-sequencing (CTAS with ORDER BY) to achieve this goal:

In high-volume online transaction processing (OLTP) environments, in which data is accessed via a primary index, re-sequencing table rows so that contiguous blocks follow the same order as their primary index can actually reduce physical I/O and improve response time during index-driven table queries. This technique is useful only when the application selects multiple rows, when using index range scans, or if the application issues multiple requests for consecutive keys. Databases with random primary-key unique accesses won't benefit from row re-sequencing.

Let's explore how this works. Consider a SQL query that retrieves 100 rows using an index:

   last_name like 'B%';


This query will traverse the last_name_index, selecting each row to obtain the rows. This query will have at least 100 physical disk reads because the employee rows reside on different data blocks.

The benefits of row re-sequencing cannot be underestimated. In large active tables with a large number of index scans, row re-sequencing can triple the performance of queries.

Lets take look at the most common methods for row-re-sequencing for table that are always accessed via index range scans.

Oracle Index Cluster Tables

Unlike the hash cluster where the symbolic key is hashed to the data block address, an index cluster uses an index to maintain row sequence.

A table cluster is a group of tables that share the same data blocks, since they share common columns and are often used together. When you create cluster tables, Oracle physically stores all rows for each table in the same data blocks. The cluster key value is the value of the cluster key columns for a particular row.

Index cluster tables can be either multi-table or single-table.  Lets take a look at each method.

Multi-table Index Cluster Tables

In a multi-table index cluster, related table rows are grouped together to reduce disk I/O. 

For example, assume that you have a customer and orders table and 95% of the access is to select all orders for a particular customer.

Oracle will have to perform an I/O to fetch the customer row and then multiple I/Os to fetch each order for the customer.

Consider this SQL where we fetch all orders for a customer: 

natural join
   cust_key = IBM;

If this customer has eight orders, each on a different data block, we must perform nine block fetches to return the query rows.  Even if these blocks are already cached in the data buffers, we still have at least nine consistent gets:


If we re-define the table as a index cluster table, Oracle will physically store the orders rows on the same data block as the parent customer row, thereby reducing I/O by a factor of eight:

 Remember, index clusters will only result in a reduction of I/O when the vast majority of data access is via the cluster index.  Any row access via another index will still result in randomized block fetches.

Single-table Index Cluster Tables

A single-table index cluster table is a method whereby Oracle guarantees row sequence where clustering_factor in dba_indexes always approximates blocks in dba_tables.


Scans via an index range scan will always fetch as many rows as possible in a single I/O, depending on your block size and average row length.  Many shops that employ single-table index cluster tables use a db_32k_cache_size to ensure that they can fetch an index range scan in a single I/O.


To do this, Oracle must have an overflow area where new rows are placed if there is not room on the target block.  Monitoring the overflow becomes an important task and the DBA may have to periodically reorganize the single-table index cluster table to ensure that all row orders are maintained.  The DBA will lower the value of PCTFREE for the table to reserve space for new rows, but excessive row write to the overflow area will cause the clustering_factor to rise above the value for blocks in dba_tables.


If you like Oracle tuning, you may enjoy my new book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", over 900 pages of BC's favorite tuning tips & scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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