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Oracle Administration Finding Large Files on a UNIX Server

Oracle UNIX/Linux Tips by Burleson Consulting

Finding large files on a UNIX server

The following command is very useful in cases where a UNIX file system has become full.  As we may know, Oracle will hang whenever Oracle must expand a tablespace and Oracle cannot extend the UNIX filesystem.

When a UNIX file become unexpectedly full, it may be because Oracle has written a huge core or trace file into the UNIX filesystem.

The script below will display all files that are greaten then one megabyte in size.  Note that the size parameter is specified in K-bytes.

root> find . -size +1024 ?print

Of course, you can easily append the xargs of ?exec command to automatically remove the large file:

root> find . -size +1024 ?print|xargs ?i rm \;

Note: In Windows you can use this equivalent to the UNIX -mtime check, see equivalent of UNIX mtime for Windows

A step-by-step approach to deleting unwanted UNIX files

When writing UNIX scripts to automatically delete obsolete Oracle trace files, audit files, dump files and archived redo logs, it is a good idea to carefully develop the UNIX script through iteration, getting each piece working.  Remember, even seasoned UNIX guru?s will not write a complex command until each component is tested.

We start by going to the archived redo log directory and finding all redo log files that are more than 7 days old.  In this example, we take a cold backup each night, and the DBA has not use for elderly redo log files.

root> cd $DBA/$ORACLE_SID/arch
root> find . -mtime +7


Now that we have the list of files, we can add the UNIX rm command to this syntax to automatically remove all files that are more than 7 days old. In this case, we can use either the ?exec or the xargs commands to remove the files.

find . ?mtime +7 ?exec rm {} \;

Delete all old Oracle trace and audit files more than 14 days old

Here is an example of a UNIX script for keeping the archived redo log directory free of elderly files.  As we know, it is important to keep room in this directory, because Oracle may ?lock-up? if he cannot write a current redo log to the archived redo log filesystem. This script could be used in coordination with Oracle Recovery Manager (rman) to only remove files after a full backup has been taken.


# Cleanup archive logs more than 7 days old
find /u01/app/oracle/admin/mysid/arch/arch_mysid*.arc -ctime +7 -exec rm {} |

Now that we see how to do the cleanup for an individual directory, we can easily expand this approach to loop through every Oracle database name on the server (by using the oratab file), and remove the files from each directory. If you are using Solaris the oratab is located in /var/opt/oratab while HP/UX and AIX have the oratab file in the /etc directory.


for ORACLE_SID in `cat /etc/oratab|egrep ':N|:Y'|grep -v \*|cut -f1 -d':'`
 ORACLE_HOME=`cat /etc/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -d":" -f2`
 DBA=`echo $ORACLE_HOME | sed -e 's:/product/.*::g'`/admin
 find $DBA/$ORACLE_SID/bdump -name \*.trc -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \;
 $DBA/$ORACLE_SID/udump -name \*.trc -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \;
 find $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit -name \*.aud -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \;

The above script loops through each database, visiting the bdump, udump and audit directories, removing all files more than 2 weeks old.

Removing UNIX files with the dbms_backup_restore package

Oracle provides a package called dbms_backup_restore that can also be used to remove UNIX files.  As we may know, you can create a directory entity inside Oracle that contains the location of a UNIX directory.

SQL> create or replace directory

You can then use a PL/SQL stored procedure to read the UNIX file names from the v$archived_log view.  For all files that are more than 30 days old (according to v$archived_log.completion_time), we call dbms_backup_restore.deletefile procedure to remove the archived redo log from UNIX.  Note the requirement to get the

  arc_file    BFILE;
  arc_exist   BOOLEAN;
  arc_name    VARCHAR2(100);
  -- Select all files over 30 days old . . .
  CURSOR get_archive IS
    SELECT name
      FROM v$archived_log;
     WHERE completion_time < SYSDATE - 30;
  FOR entry IN get_archive LOOP

    -- use the BFILENAME function to get the file name from UNIX
    arc_file  := BFILENAME('arch_dir',;

    -- check to make sure the file still exists in UNIX
    arc_file_exists := FALSE;
    arc_file_exists := DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS(arc_file) = 1;   

    IF arc_file_exists THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('Deleting: ' ||;
      -- call the DELETEFILE procedure to nuke the UNIX file
    END IF;

  END loop;

Now, we can simply call the procedure from a UNIX crontab to periodically remove the files.  The crontab entry might look like this:

# Run the archived redo log cleanup Monday at 7:30 AM
30 07 1 * * /home/scripts/nuke_logs.ksh mysid > /home/scripts/nuke.lst
Here is a sample of the script inself.

# First, we must set the environment . . . .

ORACLE_HOME=`cat /etc/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -f2 -d':'`
#ORACLE_HOME=`cat /var/opt/oracle/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -f2 -d':'`
export PATH

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus ?s /nologin<<!
connect system/manager as sysdba;
set serveroutput on;
exec remove_elderly_archive_logs

Now that we have seen the host of UNIX commands that can be issued to maintain the file environment, let?s move on and take a closer look at minimizing file I/O in a UNIX Oracle environment.  Remember, we must actively work to reduce disk I/O to keep the database running at optimal levels.

Oracle Performance and disk I/O

When a request is made from the Oracle database to fetch a block from a disk, we see sources of latency. This example assumes that we are not using a disk array with caching, and that a physical I/O is required to fetch the data block.  When a physical request is made to a disk, the total delay time can be broken into three components:

* Seek delay (70%) -- the seek delay is the amount of time it takes to move the read-write heads over the appropriate cylinder on the disk device.  Seek delay is the largest component of disk delay.

* Rotational delay (30%) -- Rotational delay is the time that the I/O must wait for the requested block to pass beneath the read-write heads.  The average rotational delay for a disk is one-half the rotational speed of the disk.

* Transmission delay (<1%) -- is the smallest component of Oracle disk response time, and the only one that relates to block size.  Transmission time is measured at the speed of light, and the overhead of transmitting a 32k block is not measurable slower than fetching a 2k block.

Once we understand that 99% of the disk delay is required whether we read a 2K block or a 32K block, we begin to understand the nature of disk I/O and block sizing.

The seek delay and rotational delay are the same regardless of the size of the block you are reading, and that transmission time differences are so small as to be un-measurable. Once the read-write heads are positioned directly over the cylinder, the only difference in machinery sources is the time required to transmit the larger block across the network back to the Oracle database.

Hence, we can come to an important conclusion:

The database block size does not measurably affect the speed of the block I/O, and fetching a 32K block is not more expensive than fetching a 2K block.

If it takes about the same amount of time to fetch a 2k block as it does to fetch a 32k block, why don?t we make all of our database blocks 32K and get as more data for the same I/O cost?

The answer is the expense of potentially wasted RAM storage in the data buffer caches.  For example, moving a 32K block into the RAM buffer to retrieve an 80-byte record is a huge waste, unless there are other rows in the 32K block that are like to be requested by Oracle. Our goal is to manage our precious RAM space and make the most efficient use of our data buffer caches.

While the general rule holds true that the more data you can fetch a single I/O, the better your overall buffer hit ratio, we have to take a closer look at the multiple data buffer phenomenon to gather true picture of what's happening under the covers.  Let?s start with a simple example.


If you like Oracle tuning, see the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.


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