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Oracle Windows reliability tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonJune 1, 2015

Oracle on Windows has been fighting a bad reputation for poor reliability.  Just about everyone who worked with Windows in the 1990's remembers the "blue screen of death" from Windows, and many remember the disaster that happened to anyone who dared to deploy a Windows database in the 1990's.

The blue screen of death, captured on airport video

However, many IT professional don't remember the late 1980's when UNIX also had a bad reputation.  Frequent kernel panics and OS errors made it foolhardy for any IT shop to deploy a mission critical system on UNIX. 

Oracle Windows is not suitable for production databases

In our experience supporting Oracle databases, it is our professional opinion that Oracle database on Windows systems are not suitable for production usage.    In our professional experience, Windows is unsuitable for any Oracle database that requires data integrity and availability.

Originally designed as a single-user OS for a personal computer, Microsoft Windows has become a joke, with the Microsoft Windows Vista debacle serving as direct evidence that Microsoft does not have the technical skills required to deliver a reliable operating system environment for Oracle databases.

- Oracle Windows is unstable - In our experience as America's leading remote DBA support service we have witnessed uncountable incidents of unplanned outages that relate directly to the poor design of Windows software.

- Oracle Windows is difficult to manage - Compared to an industrial strength OS, Microsoft Windows is extremely difficult to manage and monitor. 

- Oracle on Windows is prone to attacks - More than 90% of all server-side attacks are related to Microsoft Windows vulnerabilities, and a quick review of the Microsoft patches should be enough to convince anyone that Windows is not a safe platform for any Oracle database.

In sum, Microsoft Windows for Oracle databases imposes unnecessary risks of data corruption, unplanned outages, security breaches and a host of other wholly-preventable problems.

Don't take chances with Windows for Oracle

If you have an Oracle Windows database, BC experts can assist you in migrating to a reliable platform, at very little cost.  As a public service, BC offers a low-cost option to migrate from Oracle Windows to Linux or any of the dozens of other OS platforms where Oracle will run reliably.


Steve Callan has these notes on using Oracle on Windows:

"Oracle on Windows is easy to use, and even easier to use if you have a good understanding of how the Windows operating system works.

Using Oracle on Windows is, in many ways, much simpler than using a UNIX variant as the underlying operating system. That point alone provides enough justification to learn more about Oracle on Windows if you are:

  • New to Oracle and want to learn more about it in an easy-to-configure-and-use type of environment.
  • Experienced with Oracle and want to experiment with more advanced features, commands, and scenarios without putting live or actual data (and your job) at risk.
  • Anywhere in between new and experienced, and wanting to get more familiar with concepts tested on certification exams, or
  • Using SQL Server and want to see what a real, grown-up database looks like.

With Oracle's new pricing scheme aimed at enticing small businesses to make the switch from the almost-good-enough-most-of-the-time "what do you want to be when you grow up" SQL Server arena, you almost cannot afford not to know more about the Oracle on Windows combination.

Oracle provides several snap-ins which you can use to monitor database activity on Windows--around ten categories in all--covering metrics such as physical reads per gets%, redo log space requests, and the frequency of recursive calls (for dynamic space management).

Look in C:\Program Files\Oracle\MMC Snap-Ins. The first is to learn how the basic Windows performance snap-ins work in terms of setup, display, reporting and alerts. The second step is to install the Oracle snap-ins and start using them. Oracle's Performance Monitor snap-ins gives you the ability to monitor performance, generate reports and receive alerts on common Oracle database-related performance and tuning metrics.

Yet another feature in the Oracle on Windows world is the ability for you to configure response files so you can perform silent (non-interactive) installations of Oracle products. Response files for silent installations of Oracle are not new to either operating system. However, your understanding of administering Windows, or at least appreciating what your Windows administrator does, is increased by learning about the response files that Windows can use for silent/unattended installations of the Windows operating system.

As an Oracle DBA on Windows, and knowing something about Windows administration, it would not surprise you to learn that the template response files for Oracle are also found on the installation CDs (in the Response directory of Disk1 for, to be more precise).


Here are my other notes for Oracle on Windows:



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