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ORA-12547: TNS: lost contact tips

Oracle Error Tips by Stephanie F.


Also see these important notes on ORA-29260_network_error_tns_lost_contact.


The Oracle docs note this on the ora-12547 error:

ORA-12547: TNS: lost contact
Cause: Partner has unexpectedly gone away, usually during process startup.

Action: Investigate partner application for abnormal termination. On an Interchange, this can happen if the machine is overloaded.

The "TNS lost contact error is most commonly a network error, and you can diagnose it by following my notes on troubleshooting sql*net connectivity errors.

Troubleshooting the ORA-12547 error:

- Check to ensure that the instance is running
- try to connect locally AS SYSDBA

Possible solutions to to the ORA-12547 error include:

- Bad kernel parameters settings (e.g. "ulimit" set too small)
- Incorrect permissions on the ORACLE executable ($ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle.exe)
- $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.o is 0 bytes
- Oracle binaries have not been linked correctly

 Oracle documentation offers information on ORA-12547 regarding it's occurrence after installing patchset. This information regards Oracle Enterprise; version during attempts to connect to the database.  The link fails during Install as seen below:

- Linking Oracle
rm -f /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/oracle
cc +DD64 -Wl,+s -Wl,+n +DD64 -o /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/oracle -L/oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/ -L/oracle/10g1/lib/ /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/ssoident.o `if /usr/bin/getconf KERNEL_BITS | grep "64" > /dev/null ; \
then echo "-Wl,+pi,16M -Wl,+pd,L -Wl,+padtext,16M -Wl,+paddata,1M" ; \
else echo "" ; fi` -Wl,-E -Wl,-PF,linkorderfile +FPd /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/opimai.o /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/ssoraed.o /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/ttcsoi.o /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/defopt.o -Wl,+forceload -lperfsrv10 -Wl,+noforceload /oracle/10g1/lib/nautab.o /oracle/10g1/lib/naeet.o /oracle/10g1/lib/naect.o /oracle/10g1/lib/naedhs.o /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/config.o -lserver10 -lodm10 -lnnet10 -lskgxp10 -lhasgen10 -lcore10 -lskgxn2 -locr10 -locrb10 -locrutl10 -lhasgen10 -lcore10 -lskgxn2 -lclient10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lknlopt `if /usr/ccs/bin/ar tv /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a | grep xsyeolap.o > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "-loraolap10" ; fi` -ldm10 -lslax10 -lpls10 -lplp10 -lserver10 -lclient10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lknlopt -lslax10 -lpls10 -lplp10 -ljox10 -lserver10 /oracle/10g1/has/lib/libclsra10.a -ldbcfg10 -locijdbcst10 `cat /oracle/10g1/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lncrypt10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lnro10 `cat /oracle/10g1/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lncrypt10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lmm -lcore10 -lxml10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `cat /oracle/10g1/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lncrypt10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lnro10 `cat /oracle/10g1/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lncrypt10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lcore10 -lxml10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `if /usr/ccs/bin/ar tv /oracle/10g1/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a | grep "kxmnsd.o" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo " " ; else echo "-lordsdo10"; fi` -lctxc10 -lctx10 -lzx10 -lgx10 -lctx10 -lzx10 -lgx10 -lordimt10 -lcore10 -lxml10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 -lsnls10 -lunls10 -lcore10 -lxml10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `cat /oracle/10g1/lib/sysliblist` -lm `cat /oracle/10g1/lib/sysliblist` -lm
ld: Can't open the fdp output file linkorderfile
1 errors.
*** Error exit code 1

Note the error:


ld: Can't open the fdp output file linkorderfile
1 errors.
*** Error exit code 1

The cause of ORA-12457 is stated below.  It is also pointed out that ORA-12547 should not be considered a fatal error, but when ORA-12547 is thrown, "the fatal error during link is due to using the incorrect ld executable during install of the patchset. When using the correct ld --> /usr/ccs/bin/ld, the error is not fatal, and link phase completes."

Relinking fails with:

ld: Can't open the fdp output file linkorderfile
1 errors.
*** Error exit code 1

Internet sources on ORA-12547 also offer many different solutions to be able to fully troubleshoot error ORA-12547

1. Change the Oracle users environment variable PATH to ensure that 'ld' is from /usr/ccs/bin

export PATH=/usr/ccs/bin:${PATH}

2. Verify the following commands return the correct path /usr/ccs/bin

which make

which ar

which as

which ld

3. If you chose to 'ignore' or 'continue' when prompted during the linking of the patchset then you can relink by doing the following:

relink.log (this captures the relink output to a file)


relink all > relink.out

exit (stops the scripting output)

4. Review the relink.log and relink.out for errors

5. If you responded to the linking error prompt with 'stop installation' then reinstall the patchset as noted in the patchset readme file.



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