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Inside Oracle Parallel Query

Don Burleson

May 25, 2005

When we talk about parallelism in Oracle, there are several types of parallel query to consider: 

  • Single-instance parallel query - This is when a single instance fires-off multiple processes to read sections of a large table at the same time.  A parallel query coordinator then merges the results from each PQ factotum process.

  • RAC inter-instance parallel query - In a clustered environment, Oracle RAC can perform large-table full-table scans in parallel using separate processes on each node.

  • Distributed parallel query - In distributed databases when a table has been partitioned into separate instances, a parallel query can be invoked to read the remote tables simultaneously.

This article explores the differences between a monolithic server and a RAC clusters for parallelizing large-table full-table scans and exposes some of the differences between single-instance and inter-instance parallelism.

For our examples below let's assume two architectures with equal hardware resources of 16 CPU's and 32 gigabytes of RAM.  We will be reading a sales table that resides on 1,000,000 blocks.  Each of these systems has the same total resources, 16 processors and 32 gig of RAM: 

  • Monolithic server - 16 processors, 32 gig RAM

  • RAC servers - Four nodes, each with 4 processors and 8 gigabytes of RAM

A common requirement of Oracle data warehouses are rollup and aggregation processes whereby super-large tables are read, end-to-end, computing summary and average values.  Some data warehouse queries also have ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses, requiring Oracle to retrieve and sort a very-large result set.  In our examples, assume that we are running a rollup query against a ten-million row table to sum all sales for one million distinct customers.  To see the relationship between the number of CPU's and the degree of parallelism, click here.

Let's start our discussion with a review of Standard Oracle parallel query than then look at Oracle parallel query for RAC.  We will also examine a third type of inter-instance parallel query, Oracle Parallel Query in a distributed environment.

Single-instance Oracle Parallel Query

In a single-instance environment we are able to dedicate as many resources as we desire.  In the example below we use 15 PQ slave (factotum) processes and allocate 16 gigabytes to sort the result set in RAM:

alter session set sort_area_size = 16384000000;
SELECT /*+ FULL(sales) PARALLEL(sales, 15) */
group by

Pictorially, the parallel query would look like this, with 16 simultaneous background processes (e.g. P000, P001) reading the one million table blocks.

As each factotum (slave) process ends (at almost the same time), they pass the result set to the PQ coordinator and the sort is perform within the 16 gig RAM sorting region.

Oracle RAC and Inter-Instance parallelism

The foundation of Oracle Real Application Clusters revolves around parallelism, and long-term Oracle professionals remember that the original name for RAC was OPS, for Oracle Parallel Server. 

With RAC, it is possible for an intra-parallel operation to utilize the processors across the nodes, using the second argument in the Oracle PARALLEL hint.  That gives an additional degree of parallelism while executing in parallel. For instance, a parallel query can be set up with 'Parallel Hint' to utilize the CPUs from the many RAC instances.

Because each node requires a parallel query coordinator, many shops use n-1 parallelism, to reserve a CPU for the query coordinator.  If we have four instances, each with 4 CPU's, our query might use a degree of parallelism (DOP) of 3 (n-1, to reserve a CPU for the query coordinator process).  MOSC note 280939.1 confirms that a separate parallel query coordinator is required on each remote node:

The slaves are controlled by the user background process (called query coordinator QC ). In RAC environment the slaves for one query maybe be are spawned on different Nodes. . . .

Parallel execution does not allocate slaves randomly across the available instances, but rather will start by allocating on the least loaded instance. The goal is to both minimize inter-node traffic and at the same time try to minimize any imbalance of work across the instances.

 The INSTANCE_GROUPS/PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP parameter can be used to restrict allocation of query slaves to specific instances in a RAC     configuration and over-ride the automatic allocation across instances.    This can improve the performance when there are problem with the inter-connect.

Hence, the query might look like this, with a DOP of three:

SELECT /*+ FULL(sales) PARALLEL(sales, 3,4) */

In this example, the DOP is three and we use all four instances. The query is executed with a total of 16 processes, 4 on each instance, and one parallel query coordinator on each instance:


From the illustration it becomes clear that the RAC implementation of the query might run slower than an equivalent query on a monolithic server with the same hardware.  Note the differences between this RAC query and the vanilla Oracle parallel query on the monolithic server:

  • One-fourth fewer processes reading the table rows - We must reserve a process for the parallel query coordinator on each node.

  • Overhead on the cache fusion layer - As each node delivers the result set, the rows must be transferred to the master node that is controlling the query.

  • Slower sorting - Because the master node only has 8 gig of RAM, the result set is too large to sort in-memory and a time-consuming disk sort is required.

For more on using Oracle Real Application Clusters in a data warehouse, click here.

Parallel Query for distributed instances 

In a distributed environment, pieces of a table may reside on many remote servers.  For example, assume that we have a distributed architecture where local customer tables are kept on each instance.  You could access all of the remote rows in a single query, using inter-instance parallel execution.  In this example, the query is executed from the north_carolina instance, accessing two remote instances in-parallel:

   select customer_name, sum(purchase_amount) from sales
   select customer_name, sum(purchase_amount) from sales@san_francisco
   select customer_name, sum(purchase_amount) from sales@new_york
   group by

In this case the north_carolina instance drives the distributed parallel query and it is the north_carolina instance that must gather and sort the result set.


As we see, Oracle offers a wealth of distributed parallel query options, each with its own unique characteristics.



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