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Oracle Multiple blocksize tips

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Note:  Oracle is constantly in flux.  For the latest on using multiple blocksizes in Oracle, see The latest consensus on multiple blocksizes.  Also note that empirical evidence suggests that you can use the large (16-32K) blocksize and separate data caches to improve response time under certain conditions.   Finally, see how an Oracle tuning Guru achieves 20x performance improvement by changing blocksizes.


WARNING:  Using multiple blocksizes effectively is not simple.  It requires expert-level Oracle skills and an intimate knowledge of your I/O landscape.  While deploying multiple blocksizes can greatly reduce I/O and improve response time, it can also wreak havoc in the hands of inexperienced DBA's.  Using non-standard blocksizes is not recommended for beginners.


Databases with multiple blocksizes have been around for more than 20 years and were first introduced in the 1980's as a method to segregate and partition data buffers.  Once Oracle adopted multiple blocksizes in Oraclein 2001, the database foundation for using multiple blocksizes was already as well-tested and proven approach.  Non-relational databases such as the CA IDMS/R network database have been using multiple blocksizes for nearly two decades.

All else being equal, insert-intensive databases will perform less write I/O (via the DBWR process) with larger block sizes because more "logical inserts" can take place within the data buffer before the block becomes full and requires writing it back to disk.

At first, beginners denounced multiple block sizes because they were invented to support transportable tablespaces.  Fortunately, Oracle has codified the benefits of multiple blocksizes, and the Oracle 11g Performance Tuning Guide notes that multiple blocksizes are indeed beneficial in large databases to eliminate superfluous I/O and isolate critical objects into a separate data buffer cache:

'With segments that have atypical access patterns, store blocks from those segments in two different buffer pools: the KEEP pool and the RECYCLE pool.

A segment's access pattern may be atypical if it is constantly accessed (that is, hot) or infrequently accessed (for example, a large segment accessed by a batch job only once a day).

Multiple buffer pools let you address these differences. You can use a KEEP buffer pool to maintain frequently accessed segments in the buffer cache, and a RECYCLE buffer pool to prevent objects from consuming unnecessary space in the cache.  . .

By allocating objects to appropriate buffer pools, you can:

  • Reduce or eliminate I/Os
  • Isolate or limit an object to a separate cache"

Let's review the benefits of using multiple block sizes.

Our experience with different blocksizes

BC has seen dozens of cases where changing the blocksize can have a profound impact on overall performance, both in response time and throughput performance, and the choice of blocksize is one of the most important tuning considerations.

BC recently had a server running Oracle Two instances on the machine, each with the EXACT same parameters except for DB_BLOCK_SIZE, all files located on the EXACT same mounts.

When the 16k instance runs an 850,000 row update (no where clause), it finishes in 45 minutes.  When the 4k instance runs an 850,000 row update (no where clause), it finishes in 2.2 minutes. The change in blocksize caused the job to run TWENTY TIMES FASTER.

A client has an update that they must run (unfortunately) which updates ~830,000 rows, setting one column equal to the other (two column table). On their development environment this was taking roughly twenty seconds to perform. However, on their soon-to-be production environment it was taking roughly 45 minutes.

Explain plans were checked, trace files examined, and not much popped up except that the production machine was attempting larger I/Os during the update and was consequently taking much longer. Comparing the initialization parameters between production and development showed the exact same parameters, except that the upcoming production box was using a 16k block size and development was using a 4k block size.

The final result: When the update was run against the 16k blocksize DB, it took 45 minutes. Against the 4k blocksize DB on the same box with the same parameters and the same FS mounts, it took 2 minutes 20 seconds.

I even took it a step further to see if we could squeeze any more performance out of it. Setting FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS='SETALL' (instead of none) I was able to get the update down to 1.5 minutes. Turning off DB_BLOCK_CHECKING (not recommended) I was able to get it down to 10 seconds.

By going from a 16k blocksize to a 4k blocksize with all other things being equal, we experienced roughly a twenty times improvement. We shaved off even more time setting FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS = SETALL. And then we changed DB_BLOCK_CHECKING, a parameter Oracle documentation says only adds a 1 to 10% overhead depending on concurrency of DML, which made the update 6 times faster alone.

The final result was a 270 times improvement over the original, changing only the db_block_size.  To be fair, I also tried setting the FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS and DB_BLOCK_CHECKING the same on the 16k blocksize instance, which resulted in the update taking 30 minutes as opposed to 45. The results were better, but the 4k blocksize database still won by 180 times.

What's more, all queries both large and small performed the same or better than in production, and a test insert of 100,000 rows went from 20 seconds on the 16k blocksize to 3 seconds on the 4k.

While this experiment definitely shows that changing only blocksize can have a profound effect, more thorough analysis will help get to the core of why changing blocksizes had such a positive tuning effect.

The benefits of a larger blocksize

The benefits of large blocksizes are demonstrated on this OTN thread where we see a demo showing 3x faster performance using a larger block size:

SQL> r
1 select count(MYFIELD) from table_8K where ttime >to_date('27/09/2006','dd/mm/y
2* and ttime <to_date('06/10/2006','dd/mm/yyyy')


Elapsed: 00:00:01.40

(This command is executed several times - the execution time was approximately the same ~

And now the test with the same table, but created together with the index in 16k tablespace:

SQL> r
1 select count(MYFIELD) from table_16K where ttime >to_date('27/09/2006','dd/mm/
2* and ttime <to_date('06/10/2006','dd/mm/yyyy')


Elapsed: 00:00:00.36

(Again, the command is executed several times, the new execution time is approximately the same ~

Oracle consultant Ben Prusinski notes that batch jobs can see a 3x performance improvement when moved to a larger blocksize: 

"My experiences have been that using different block sizes can make a difference.

For a past customer a large financial company, we improved database performance by increasing block size from 8k blocksize to 16k blocksize.

Performance for nightly data loads went down from 22 hours to 6 hours when we increased the database block size."

It's interesting that Oracle introduced multiple blocksizes while not realizing their full potential.  Originally implemented to support transportable tablespaces, Oracle DBA's quickly realized the huge benefit of multiple blocksizes for improving the utilization and performance of Oracle systems. 


These benefits fall into several general areas:


Reducing data buffer waste


By performing block reads of an appropriate size the DBA can significantly increase the efficiency of the data buffers.  For example, consider an OLTP database that randomly reads 80 byte customer rows.  If you have a 16k db_block_size, Oracle must read all of the 16k into the data buffer to get your 80 bytes, a waste of data buffer resources.  If we migrate this customer table into a 2k blocksize, we now only need to read-in 2k to get the row data.  This results in 8 times more available space for random block fetches.





Improvements in data buffer utilization



Reducing logical I/O


As more and more Oracle database become CPU-bound as a result of solid-state disks and 64-bit systems with large data buffer caches, minimizing logical I/O consistent gets from the data buffer) has become an important way to reduce CPU consumption.  This can be illustrated with indexes.  Oracle performs index range scams during many types of operations such as nested loop joins and enforcing row order for result sets.  In these cases, moving Oracle indexes into large blocksizes can reduce both the physical I/O (disk reads) and the logical I/O (buffer gets).


Robin Schumacher has proven in his book Oracle Performance Troubleshooting (2003, Rampant TechPress) that Oracle b-tree indexes are built in flatter structures in 32k blocksizes.  We also see a huge reduction in logical I/O during index range scans and sorting within the TEMP tablespace because adjacent rows are located inside the same data block.


We can also identify those indexes with the most index range scans with this simple AWR script.

col c1 heading 'Object|Name' format a30
col c2 heading 'Option' format a15
col c3 heading 'Index|Usage|Count' format 999,999

   p.object_name c1,
   p.options c2,
   count(1) c3
   dba_hist_sql_plan p,
   dba_hist_sqlstat s
   p.object_owner <> 'SYS'
   p.options like '%RANGE SCAN%'
   p.operation like '%INDEX%'
   p.sql_id = s.sql_id
group by
order by


Here is the output where we see overall total counts for each object and table access method.

Object                                           Usage
Name                          Option             Count
----------------------------- --------------- --------
CUSTOMER_CHECK                RANGE SCAN         4,232
CON_UK                        RANGE SCAN           473
CURRENT_SEVERITY              RANGE SCAN           323
ORDERS_FK                     RANGE SCAN            20 



Improving data buffer efficiency


One of the greatest problems if very large data buffers is the overhead of Oracle in cleaning-out 'direct blocks' that result from truncate operations and high activity DML.  This overhead can drive-up CPU consumption of databases that have large data buffers.




Dirty Block cleanup in a large vs. small data buffer


By segregating high activity tables into a separate, smaller data buffer, Oracle has far less RAM frames to scan for dirty block, improving the throughout and also reducing CPU consumption.  This is especially important for super-high update tables with more than 100 row changes per second.


Improving SQL execution plans


It's obvious that intelligent buffer segregation improves overall execution speed by reducing buffer gets, but there are also some other important reasons to use multiple blocksizes. 


In general, the Oracle cost-based optimizer is unaware of buffers details (except when you set the optimizer_index_caching parameter), and using multiple data buffers will not impact SQL execution plans.  When data using the new cpu_cost parameter in Oracle10g, the Oracle SQL optimizer builds the SQL plan decision tree based on the execution plan that will have the lowest estimated CPU cost.


For example, if you implement a 32k data buffer for your index tablespaces you can ensure that your indexes are caches for optimal performance and minimal logical I/O in range scans.


For example, if my database has 50 gigabytes of index space, I can define a 60 gigabyte db_32k_cache_size and then set my optimizer_index_caching parameter to 100, telling the SQL optimizer that all of my Oracle indexes reside in RAM.  Remember when Oracle makes the index vs. table scan decision, knowing that the index nodes are in RAM will greatly influence the optimizer because the CBO knows that a logical I/O is often 100 times faster than a physical disk read.


In sum, moving Oracle indexes into a fully-cached 32k buffer will ensure that Oracle favors index access, reducing unnecessary full-table scans and greatly reducing logical I/O because adjacent index nodes will reside within the larger, 32k block.


Real World Applications of multiple blocksizes


The use of multiple blocksizes is the most important for very-large database with thousands of updates per second and thousands of concurrent user's access terabytes of data.  In these super-large databases, multiple blocksizes have proven to make a huge difference in response time. 


Largest Benefit:


We wee the largest benefit of multiple blocksizes in these types of databases:


  • OLTP databases - Databases with a large amount of index access (first_rows optimizer_mode) and databases with random fetches of small rows are ideal for buffer pool segregation.


  • 64-bit Oracle databases - Oracle databases with 64-bit software can support very large data buffer caches and these are ideal for caching frequently-referenced tables and indexes.


  • High-update databases - Databases where a small sub-set of the database receives large update activity (i.e. a single partition within a table), will see a large reduction in CPU consumption when the high update objects are moved into a smaller buffer cache.


Smallest benefit:


However, there are specific types of databases that may not benefit from using multiple blocksizes:


  • Small node Oracle10g Grid systems - Because each data blade in an Oracle10g grid node has only 2 to 4 gigabytes of RAM, data blade grid applications do not show a noticeable benefit from multiple block sizes.


  • Solid-state databases - Oracle databases using solid-state disks (RAM-SAN) perform fastest with super-small data buffer, just large enough to hold the Oracle serialization locks and latches.


  • Decision Support Systems - Large Oracle data warehouses with parallel large-table full table scans do not benefit from multiple blocksizes.  Remember, parallel full-table scans bypass the data buffers and store the intermediate rows sets in the PGA region.  As a general rule, databases with the all_rows optimizer_mode may not benefit from multiple blocksizes.

Even though Oracle introduced multiple blocksizes for a innocuous reason, their power has become obvious in very large database systems.  The same divide-and-conquer approach that Oracle has used to support very large databases can also be used to divide and conquer your Oracle data buffers.

Setting your db_block_size with multiple block sizes

When you implement multiple blocksizes you should set your db_block_size based on the size of the tablespace where your large-object full-scans will be occurring. Remember, the parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count is only applicable for tables/indexes that are full scanned.


Objects that experience full-table scans should be placed in a larger block size, with db_file_multiblock_read_count set to the block size of that tablespace.

When you implement multiple blocksizes, Oracle MOSC notes that you should always set your db_file_multiblock_read_count to a common value, normally your largest supported blocksize of 32k:

db_block_size                        db_file_multiblock_read_count
2k                                            16
4k                                            8
8k                                            4
16k                                          2


Oracle MOSC Note:223299.1 also embraces the importance of multiple blocksizes, listing the multiple buffer regions as among the most important tuning parameters in Oracle.

According to Oracle, this is the formula for setting db_file_multiblock_read_count:

                                 max I/O chunk size
db_file_multiblock_read_count  = -------------------

But what is our maximum I/O chunk size? The maximum effective setting for db_file_multiblock_read_count is OS and disk dependant. Steve Adams, an independent Oracle performance consultant (see ), has published a helpful script to assist you in setting an appropriate level.


The Ion tool is the easiest way to analyze STATSPACK disk I/O data in Oracle and Ion allows you to spot hidden I/O trends.

If you like Oracle tuning, see the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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