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The nightmare interview:
“Database Architectures”

Don Burleson


This is part of my "nightmare" series of database job interviews.

In this case I was hired by a large company because a job applicant had challenged the HR department for not accepting her equivalent knowledge as a substitute for a Bachelors degree.  The position was as a software engineer, and the applicant (let’s call her Ms. Yutz) who was threatening to sue unless HR accepted her knowledge.

Here is how I recall the interview:

"Hi Ms. Yutz, I’m here to evaluate your real-world experience to determine if it is the equivalent knowledge of someone with a bachelor’s degree on computer science.  The job requires extensive knowledge of data structures, so let’s start there.  Please describe some common data structures."

“Sure” Yutz replied.  “The most basic data structure is called a table, and it’s used to store the data.  You also have tablespaces and indexes”.

“Ah, Indexes”, I said (the only thing resembling a data structure in her response).  “Tell me about the different types of indexes.”

Well, Yutz said, “An index gives you fast access to data.  Oracle has one type of index and Access also has another type of index.  All indexes are the same”.

“Er, have you ever created b-tree or b+ tree indexes?” I asked?

“That’s just useless theory” Yutz said, taking-on a teaching tone, “I’m surprised you don’t know that.  You see, data structures are built-in to the database and you just use them.  Are they really paying you money to interview me?  It should be the other-way around”.

Ms. Yutz, you do know that your software engineering position involves creating data structures, don’t you?

“No, that’s not what a SE does”, she lectured me.  “I’ve done been a SE for six years, and an SE works the help desk.  Mr. Burleson, you have an appalling ignorance of software engineering and I don’t have time to tutor you in it.  It’s too involved.  You arrogant college people with all your useless theory should spend a few years actually doing it, like I have.  Then you’d understand.”

Ms. Yutz went on to write a scathing letter about me to the HR department about my huge ignorance about what a software engineer does, and how stupid it is to require all that college theoretical stuff.  She never did sue, though.

Stories like these and other tips for the IT manager can be found in the book "Conducting the Programmer Job Interview" ($9.95) by Rampant TechPress:



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