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Tune slow performance SQL with views

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

July 11, 2015

Question:  I see bad performance and slow query execution time when using a view because of unnecessary table joins from the view.  How can I tune a query with views?

Answer:  An Oracle view is the encapsulation of a complex query into a single pseudotable that behaves like a single table. View add nothing to SQL performance and a view is usually only used in ad-hoc query systems wher a beginner is writing SQL and you want to hide the complexity of the SQL.  Views suffer from the issue of adding unnecessary complexity into a query.  There are teo solutions for slow performance in views:

  • Re-write the SQL without the view:  This will remove the overhead.
  • Get to release 11g and use the View join elimination feature. view join elimination. Starting in 11g, the optimizer is intelligent and it will detect situations where view data is not needed in the result set, and btpass processing of that data, thereby greatly improving performance of queries with views.

For example, here we create a view:

create or replace view
   customer     c,
   order        o,
   item         i,
   c.cust_nbr = o.cust_nbr
   o_item_nbr = i.item_nbr;

The pseudotable in the following query hides the complexity of the underlying query and has no effect on the performance of the underlying SQL:

select * from cust_view where cust_nbr = 123;

In this example, every time the cust_view is queried, Oracle will join the three tables at runtime.

Since views don't improve performance, why use them? Most Oracle shops that employ views do so for end-user queries or for queries where they want to hide complexity and ensure uniform join methods.

Materialized views

Oracle's solution to improving performance of standard views is the materialized view. When you create a material view, it prejoins all of the tables in a complex query. Since all of the query joins have been done, running SQL against the materialized view will be far faster than with a standard view. However, materialized views have some shortcomings:

  • More storage is required—Since the materialized view actually performs the query, extra disk space is required to store the result table.
  • Materialized views become stale—From the moment the materialized view is created, the view may become out-of-date. To periodically refresh a materialized view, you can use a mechanism that's similar to an Oracle snapshot.

The danger of using views

Some shops create complex views to represent large subsets of their schema and allow developers and end users to access these views. This approach often leads to poor performance. Here are some situations to avoid if you work with complex views:

  • Querying subsets—Developers will often query a subset of the complex view, not realizing that all tables in the view will be joined.
  • Adding complex WHERE clauses—Queries against views with complex WHERE clauses will often override any tuning hints that are placed within the view, causing suboptimal execution plans.
  • Hinting the view—A view can't be treated as a finite table, and adding SQL hints to view queries will often result in suboptimal execution plans. Remember, any time the optimizer gets "confused," it will perform an unnecessary full-table scan. While hints can be used for specific SQL optimization, the use of views is strongly discouraged with hints because they can be invoked in many contexts.

To summarize, Oracle views are an encapsulation of a complex query and must be used with care. Here are the key facts to remember:

  • Views are not intended to improve SQL performance. When you need to encapsulate SQL, you should place it inside a stored procedure rather than use a view.
  • Views hide the complexity of the underlying query, making it easier for inexperienced programmers and end users to formulate queries.
  • Views can be used to tune queries with hints, provided that the view is always used in the proper context.

Combining hints and views

Although you must be careful when using hints against a view, here are two ways you can use them without creating performance problems:

  • You can embed hints inside the view definition. This is useful for cases where a view will be called without a WHERE clause, but it can be quite damaging to performance when the view result set is altered by calling the view with a complex WHERE clause.
  • You can add hints in the calling query. The danger with using hints in views is that the context of the query may change. When this happens, any existing hints within the view definition may be ignored, which can confuse the SQL optimizer and result in an unnecessary full-table scan.

When views are invoked with certain WHERE clauses, the context of the view may change, as will the functionality of any SQL hints that may be embedded inside the view.

This simple example shows how such a context change can occur:

   cust_nbr = 123;

We've invoked a view that performs a three-way table join on execution, but the WHERE clause in the SQL indicates that the user is interested only in data within a single table. Any SQL hints that might be embedded inside the view may be ignored.


By themselves, Oracle views, materialized views, and SQL query hints are useful tools for Oracle tuning. However, special care must be taken when implementing views to ensure that developers and end users don't misuse them and create performance problems

Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.



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