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Oracle Mentoring

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Maximizing knowledge transfer in Oracle training

One of the greatest challenges for any Oracle manager is maximizing the long-term learning from Oracle training classes.

Vendor-based training and online training have a well documented history of poor knowledge retention, and most managers find that the customized on-site training provides the best knowledge transfer, especially when the instructor is available for follow-up mentoring.

Use It, or Lose It

Everyone knows that training without follow-up guarantees a rapid loss of knowledge.  It's the age-old "use it or lose it" conundrum, and the savvy IT manager must carefully schedule their on-site Oracle training to coincide with the staff's need to apply their new knowledge.

Ensure your training success with Oracle mentoring

Many managers find that the best training investment is a combination of formal training, followed-up by supplemental Oracle mentoring.  In the ideal situation, the Oracle instructor is available (by e-mail and telephone) to answer specific questions about the application of the Oracle technology.  This is especially important for shops that are launching a large development project and shops that want training in advanced Oracle technologies (RAC, Oracle Streams, Oracle Tuning).

Using your classroom instructor for supplemental mentoring ensures continuity with the course material and also improves productivity because the students has a one-step solution to any technical problem.

Supplemental Oracle Mentoring Packages

Burleson Consulting commonly provides follow-up Oracle mentoring for any shop that wants to  maximize the value of their Oracle training budget.  Depending on your specific circumstances, you can engage your expert instructor for supplemental Oracle mentoring and support for any period of time, thereby ensuring that your staff is successful.  It's like an insurance policy for your Oracle training, and it allows your staff to develop their Oracle systems under the supervision of a expert Oracle mentor with a proven track record of success.  Best of all, you get world-class remote Oracle support for only $175/hr.

With BC Oracle mentoring packages you develop a personal relationship with your instructor and you can e-mail your instructor at any time, with guaranteed 24 hour response time.  Your instructor can also access your system remotely if you desire, to help guarantee that you don't have any time-consuming "snags" during your development effort.

Short-Term Oracle mentoring package ($2k)

This mentoring package is ideal for small classes with experienced students.  You will have a pool of hours of Oracle mentoring that you can use at any time in the future, and you can use these hours to have your instructor review your staff's work for quality assurance purposes.

Long-Term Oracle mentoring package ($4k)

This package is ideal for managers whose staff will be working on a long-term project.  You get a pool of  hours of Oracle mentoring where any of your staff has access to your instructor to answer any pressing questions and help solve technical problems.

If your goal is to maximize your Oracle training value, using supplemental mentoring services is the smart way to ensure the maximum knowledge retention for your staff.



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Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

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