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STATSPACK purge utility

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting
Don Burleson

You can invoke the sppurge.sql script to remove specific snapshots from STATSPACK. This script will prompt you for the snapshot to remove and then issue the appropriate SQL to remove the specified snapshot.  When sppurge.sql is executed, all available snapshots are displayed. You are then prompted for the low Snap Id and high Snap Id. All snapshots which fall within this range will be purged. Note that purging may require the use of a large rollback segment, as all data relating each snapshot to be purged will be deleted. You can get around the issue by issuing the alter session set rollback segment command before running sppurge.sql. The example below shows a sample execution of this script:

SQL> connect perfstat/perfstat

SQL> set transaction use rollback segment big_rbs;
Session altered.

SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sppurge

Manually removing STATSPACK snapshots

Fortunately, STATSPACK uses foreign-key referential integrity constraints with the ON CASCADE DELETE option. This means that all information for a given snapshot can be deleted by deleting the corresponding stats$snapshot record. For example, suppose that you wanted to delete all snapshots for 2002, and these were snapshots that have a snap_id of less than 10,000. The following DELETE would remove all of these snapshots, and all subordinate detail rows:

SQL > delete from stats$snapshot where snap_id < 10000;
28923563 rows deleted.

Of course, you can selectively delete rows from STATSPACK. For example, you might want to keep all of the system statistics and delete all of the SQL statements that were more than six months old. In this case, you could selectively remove the rows from stats$sql_summary:

SQL > delete from stats$sql_summary where snap_time < sysdate - 180;
2888363 rows deleted.

Now let's take a look at some handy shell scripts that will make your use of STATSPACK easier.

Removing ranges of snapshots

The STATSPACK utility provides a batch mode purging function. To run the sppurge.sql script in batch mode, you must assign SQL*Plus variables to identify the low snapshot and the high snapshot for purging.


# First, we must set the environment . . . .
ORACLE_HOME=`cat /etc/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -f2 -d':'`
export PATH

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus system/manager<<!

select * from v\$database;
connect perfstat/perfstat
define losnapid=$2
define hisnapid=$3



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