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Oracle hash joins tips

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting
Don Burleson

The following is from the bestselling book Oracle 10g Grid & Real Application Clusters and the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference".

Enabling Oracle to perform hash joins

In cases where a very small table is being joined to a large table, the Oracle hash join will often dramatically speed-up the query. Hash joins are far faster than nested loop joins in certain cases, often in cases where your SQL is joining a large table to a small table. 

However, in a production database with very large tables, it is not always easy to get your database to invoke hash joins without increasing the RAM regions that control hash joins.  For large tables, hash joins requires lots of RAM.

The 200 megabyte limit for hash joins

Oracle places limits of the amount of RAM available for hash joins so that no single session will "hog" all of the RAM.  According to this research using Oracle 10g, the hash join maximum is only to only 200 megabytes (5% of pga_aggregate_target).

The Oracle DBA controls the optimizers' propensity to invoke hash joins because the DBA must allocate the RAM resources to Oracle (using the hash_area_size and pga_aggregate_target parameters) for the optimizer to choose a hash join.  The CBO will only choose a hash join if you have allocated Oracle enough RAM area in which to perform the hash join.

Sizing your PGA for hash joins

The rules are quite different depending on your release, and you need to focus on the hash_area_size OR the pga_aggregate_target parameters.  Unfortunately, the Oracle hash join is more memory intensive than a nested loop join.  The default value for hash_area_size is derived as:

2* sort_area_size

Note:  You may not manipulate the default value for the hash_area_size since 10g Release 2.

This is described in the Oracle Document with the MOSC Note ID 396009.1

If the Oracle hash join overflows the hash_area_size memory, the hash join will page into the TEMP tablespace, severely degrading the performance of the hash join.

In addition to seeing the hash_area_size, we must also be able to adjust the degree of parallelism in cases where we use a full-table scan to access the tables in a hash join.

Laurent Schneider notes in Oracle MOSC that overriding the PGA defaults made a large batch processes run more than 8x faster with a use_hash hint:

"I set appropriate values for pga_aggregate_target and _pga_max_size...

alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6G;
alter system set "_pga_max_size"=2000000000;

...and I gave the query some hints "NOREWRITE FULL USE_HASH ORDERED".

As a result, it boosted my query performance from 12 hours to 1.5 hour."

Note: Always consult Oracle Technical Support before using any undocumented parameters.

Ah, if only it were that easy, just change a setting and batch jobs run six times faster.  Laurent Schneider notes some perils and reliability issues relating to this parameter and says "this parameter often leads to an ORA-4030, even when plenty of memory available, for some obscure reasons".

PGA usage Note:  There are other tricks for overcoming the built-in governor for PGA usage.  Oracle has a 5% limit for any individual process, and by using parallel DML any single batch job can consume 30% of the PGA without touching any of the undocumented parameters.  Oracle author Laurent Schneider noted: 

"I finally opted for a more maintainable solution.  No more hints, no more undocumented parameter, but parallel processing up to 16 threads on a 4 CPU server.   As discussed in MOSC thread 460157.996, a supported way to increase the maximum PGA memory per single SQL query is to increase the degree of parallelism."

While Laurent abandoned the undocumented approach, the promise of eight times faster execution speeds are very tempting.  Once you get permission from Oracle Technical Support to set an undocumented parameter, they can work with  to resolve errors.  While they may not address bugs, they may be able to provide alternatives and workarounds.

This short tip does not have complete information about the hash join, but you can get complete information from book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference".

When hash joins fail

The hash join is very finicky, and there are many conditions that must be satisfied. It is not uncommon to find that a use_hash hint is ignored, and here are some common causes of this problem.

  • Check hash join parameters - Make sure that you have the proper settings for optimizer_index_cost_adj and optimizer_max_permutations (Oracle9i and earlier) to limit the number of table join evaluations. Also check your values for hash_area_size and hash_multiblock_io_count. If using pga_aggregate_target, remember that it will not use more than 5% of the space for any hash join and you may need to override it.
  • Verify the hash join driving table - Make sure that the smaller table is the driving table (the first table in the from clause when using the ordered hint). This is because a hash join builds the memory array using the driving table.
  • Analyze CBO statistics - Check that tables and/or columns of the join tables are appropriately analyzed with dbms_stats.
  • Check for skewed columns - Histograms are recommended only for non-uniform column distributions. If necessary, you can override the join order chosen by the cost-based optimizer using histograms or the ordered hint.
  • Check RAM region - Ensure that hash_area_size is large enough to hold the smaller table in memory. Otherwise, Oracle must write to the TEMP tablespace, slowing down the hash join. Oracle recommends that the hash_area_size for the driving table be set at 1.6 times the sum of bytes for the driving table, and you can use the hash_area.sql script to set the hash_area_size for your query session.

If you have followed these steps, you should be able to add a use_hash hint ton your SQL to invoke a hash join. Remember, it is always a good idea to run a explain plan on your SQL to ensure that the hash join is being invoked.

Tracking hash joins

Because hash joins are so tightly controlled by available memory, the savvy DBA might track hash joins over time.  You can use SQL scripts to track system-wide hash joins.

    'yy-mm-dd hh24'
  )                                 snap_time,
  count(*)                          ct,
  sum(st.rows_processed_delta)      row_ct,
  sum(st.disk_reads_delta)          disk,
  sum(st.cpu_time_delta)            cpu
   dba_hist_snapshot   sn,
   dba_hist_sqlstat    st,
   dba_hist_sql_plan   sp
See code depot for full hash sizing scripts
   st.snap_id = sn.snap_id
= sn.dbid
= sn.instance_number
= st.sql_id
= st.dbid
= st.plan_hash_value
group by
   to_char(sn.begin_interval_time,'yy-mm-dd hh24')
        count(*) > &hash_thr;


The sample output might look the following, showing the number of hash joins during the snapshot period along with the relative I/O and CPU associated with the processing.  The values for rows_processed are generally higher for hash joins which do full-table scans as opposed to nested loop joins with generally involved a very small set of returned rows.

            Hash Join Thresholds by hour



                Join        Rows        Disk         CPU

Date           Count   Processed       Reads        Time

-------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------

04-10-12 17       22       4,646         887  39,990,515

04-10-13 16       25       2,128         827  54,746,653

04-10-14 11       21      17,368       3,049  77,297,578

04-10-21 15       60       2,805       3,299   5,041,064

04-10-22 10       25       6,864         941   4,077,524

04-10-22 13       31      11,261       2,950  46,207,733

04-10-25 16       35      46,269       1,504   6,364,414

Oracle hash joins are dependent upon your system and session parameter settings.  See my research on Oracle hash joins here:

If you like Oracle tuning, see the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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