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Oracle rman backups from  Windows Script

Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson

Scheduling tasks such as an Oracle rman backup can be challenging in a Windows environment without a third-party approach such as SFU, JavaScript or Visual Basic.  It's tricky, but you can write old-fashioned DOS bat files, a string of DOS prompt commands, to create an execute an Oracle rman backup.

Also see these related RMAN scriptsHere is yet another RMAN script that will monitor the progress of your RMAN script. Example of RMAN shell script.

Once tested, the bat file is invoked with the Windows AT scheduling command.

Lets examine an RMAN backup script. Note that we build the exp parfile arguments into a DOS variable called %PARFILE%, just like you can invoke Oracle directly from the DOS prompt: e.g.    


Above, note that this is all on one line, an important consideration when doing DOS bat file scripting. 

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | VALIDATE COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS                                         |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

if (%1)==() goto USAGE
if (%2)==() goto USAGE
if (%3)==() goto USAGE

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | VALIDATE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES                                           |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

REM   set ORALOG=C:\oracle\custom\oracle\log
REM   set ORATMP=C:\oracle\custom\oracle\temp

if (%ORALOG%)==() goto ENV_VARIABLES
if (%ORATMP%)==() goto ENV_VARIABLES

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | DECLARE ALL GLOBAL VARIABLES.                                            |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

set FILENAME=rman_backup_hot_full_9i
set TNS_ALIAS=%3%

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | REMOVE OLD LOG AND RMAN COMMAND FILES.                                   |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

del /q %CMDFILE%
del /q %LOGFILE%

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | WRITE RMAN COMMAND SCRIPT.                                               |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

echo backup database plus archivelog delete input; > %CMDFILE%
REM echo crosscheck backup of database; >> %CMDFILE%
REM echo crosscheck backup of controlfile; >> %CMDFILE%
REM echo crosscheck archivelog all; >> %CMDFILE%

echo delete noprompt force obsolete;>> %CMDFILE%
REM echo delete force noprompt expired backup of database; >> %CMDFILE%
REM echo delete force noprompt expired backup of controlfile; >> %CMDFILE%
REM echo delete force noprompt expired archivelog all; >> %CMDFILE%

echo exit; >> %CMDFILE%

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | PERFORM RMAN BACKUP.                                                     |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

rman target %DB_USERNAME%/%DB_PASSWORD%@%TNS_ALIAS% nocatalog cmdfile=%CMDFILE% msglog %LOGFILE%

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | SCAN THE RMAN LOGFILE FOR ERRORS.                                        |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

findstr /i "error" %LOGFILE%
if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 echo WARNING %FILENAME% %TNS_ALIAS% %COMPUTERNAME% %DATE% %TIME% %LOGFILE%

echo ...
echo Filename      : %FILENAME%
echo Database      : %TNS_ALIAS%
echo Hostname      : %COMPUTERNAME%
echo Date          : %DATE%
echo Time          : %TIME%
echo RMAN Log File : %LOGFILE%

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | END THIS SCRIPT.                                                         |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

goto END

REM +==========================================================================+
REM |                    ***   END OF SCRIPT   ***                             |
REM +==========================================================================+

REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | LABEL DECLARATION SECTION.                                               |
REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

echo Usage:  rman_backup_hot_full_9i.bat  DBA_USERNAME  DBA_PASSWORD  TNS_ALIAS
echo           DBA_USERNAME   = Oracle DBA Username - (Requires SYSDBA Role)
echo           DBA_PASSWORD   = Oracle DBA Password
echo           TNS_ALIAS      = Connect String to connect to the database (ex. ORCL)
goto END

echo ERROR:  You must set the following environment variables before
echo         running this script:
echo             ORALOG       = Directory used to write logfile to
echo             ORATMP       = Directory used to write temporary files to
goto END

@echo on

Windows for the Oracle DBA

The landmark book Windows for the Oracle DBA is a comprehensive overview of everything an Oracle DBA needs to know to manage Oracle on Windows.  Order directly from Rampant and save 30%. 




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