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Oracle VLDB DBA tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonApril 16, 2016



Question: What do I do to manage a one terabyte database?  What Oracle features are used for very large databases?  Can you provide a list of features for very large databases?


Answer:  Most Oracle VLDB shops use best practices Oracle scaling VLDB.  These are some of the features that you would expect to see in a multi terabyte database:


- Bigfile tablespaces:  Bigfile tablespaces allow for very large OS files to be used, simplifying management.

- Temporary tablespace groups:  This is critical for VLDB, see temporary tablespace groups.

- Partitioning:  Partitioning is critical for very large databases, and you will want to partition both tables and indexes.

- Hash partitioned global indexes:  These are useful when an index has a high number of leaf blocks and it is experiencing contention.

- Large blocksizes:  Many multi terabyte VLDB databases use a 32k blocksize, and many deploy multiple blocksizes.

- Automatic big table caching:  Automatic big table caching enables large-table full-table scans (using parallel query) as well as serial queries to use the buffer cache.  This features is only for databases with very large database buffer cache sizes because caching a very large table will consume RAM buffers that might be used by smaller, popular tables.  See db_big_table_cache_percent_target.

- Advanced index compression:  This VLDB feature allows for indexes on very large tables.  See advanced_index_compression.

- Exadata servers:  These are hardware solutions designed for VLDB systems.  It also includes Exadata zone_maps.

- Automatic Data Optimization:  Automatic Data Optimization (ADO) is a method that allows "policies" to be applied to tables.  these policies are used to "move" data to different storage tiers.


- Oracle heat maps: A heat map is a method for the block popularity within the data buffers, where frequently-referenced data resides on faster storage and unpopular data is moved to slower tertiary archive disks.


Here are some Oracle features that you do not need to use with a VLDB:

- ASMM:  Automatic memory management is not designed for VLDB, and the DBA should specify separate SGA pools for the SGA (db_cache_size, shared_pool_size, etc.)



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