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SQL*Plus set command tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonFebruary 21, 2015

Question:  What are the important SQL*Plus "set" commands?

Answer:  Here are the set command for SQL*Plus and thri functions:

set pages  or pagesize  ? this parameter determines how many lines SQL*Plus will print to the screen before starting a new page and reprinting the column headings.  To turn off column headings, set pages to zero.  To have the column headings appear only once, set pages very high (pages 999). pages defaults to 14.

set line or linesize - determines how long a line is.  It defaults to 80 characters.

set feedback on/off ? This is the comment at the end of your listing that tells you how many rows were returned.  If you turn feedback off, and you query returns no rows, you will simply return to the SQL prompt.

set timing on - The most important SQL*plus set command, it times the response time for SQL and PL/SQL, used for tuning.

set verify off/on:  This enables/disables the feedback for substitution characters (with ampersands)

set trims or trimspool - normally SQL*Plus will fill out a column with blank spaces.  trimspool causes SQL*Plus to not fill spaces at the end of a line when spooling the results.

You can also run the SQL*Plus "help set" command to see all of the set commands:

SQL> help set

set [size {n | unlimited}]

set blo[ckterminator] {.|c|on|off}

set cmds[ep] {;|c|off|on}

set colsep {_|text}

set appi[nfo]{off|on|text}

set emb[edded] {off|on} sqlpluscompat[ibility] {x.y[.z]}

set esc[ape] {\|c|off|on}

set num[width] {10|n}

set array[size] {15|n}

set pages[ize] {14|n}

set auto[commit] {off|on|imm[ediate]|n}

set pau[se] {off|on|text}

set autop[rint] {off|on}

set recsep {wr[apped]|ea[ch]|off}

set autorecovery {off|on}

set recsepchar {_|c}

set autot[race] {off|on|trace[only]}

set serverout[put] {on|off}

[set exp[lain]][stat[istics]]

set shift[inout] {vis[ible] |

set copyc[ommit] {0|n}

set copytypecheck {on|off}

set show[mode] {off|on}

set def[ine] {&|c|on|off}

set sqlbl[anklines] {off|on}

set describe [depth {1|n|all}]

set sqlc[ase] {mix[ed] |

set [linenum {off|on}] [indent {off|on}] lo[wer] | up[per]}

set echo {off|on} *sqlco[ntinue] {> | text}

set editf[ile] file_name[.ext] *sqln[umber] {on|off}

set sqlp[rompt] {sql>|text}

set flagger {off|entry|intermed[iate]|full} sqlt[erminator]

set flu[sh] {on|off} *suf[fix] {sql|text}

set hea[ding] {on|off} *tab {on|off}

set heads[ep] {||c|on|off} *term[out] {on|off}

set instance [instance_path|local]

set sqlpre[fix] {#|c}

set feed[back] {6|n|on|off}

set ti[me] {off|on}

set lin[esize] {80|n} ({150|n} isql*plus)

set timi[ng] {off|on}

set lobof[fset] {1|n}

set trim[out] {on|off}

set logsource [pathname]

set trims[pool] {off|on}

set long {80|n}

set longc[hunksize] {80|n}

set tru[ncated]}]

set con[cat] {.|c|on|off}

set ver[ify] {on|off}

set mark[up] html [off|on]

set wra[p] {on|off}

set [head text] [body text] [table text]

set xquery {baseuri text|

[pre[format] {off|on}] node{byvalue|byreference|

set newp[age] {1|n|none} default}|

set null text context text}


Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.



Burleson is the American Team

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