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SQL Constraints

SQL Tips by Donald Burleson

Constraints are fundamental to databases and application programming. Unfortunately, in the programming industry the discussion about constrains often degrades to a rather shallow dilemma.  Should the constraints be enforced in the database, or in the application/middle tier?

If the reader is still undecided about this, then it makes little sense to continue. Constraint implementation in the database matured to a fairly sophisticated level, not the least of which should be credited to the wealth of the underlying language - SQL. 

As the reader is assumed to be familiar with the basics of database constraints - unique key, referential integrity, check constraint, this chapter will venture into an obscure area of complex constraints. SQL standard allows declaring complex constraints as ASSERTIONs, but no database vendor supports them. For quite some time database triggers were the only complex constraint enforcement technique. This chapter will help the reader to broaden that view.

Certain constraints can be implemented with the Function Based method. It might not be as general as the materialized views based technique, but it certainly is not short of elegance. The materialized views based method, on the other hand, is somewhat elaborate, although much more powerful. It is the favorite in this chapter.

Function Based Constraints

Function based constraints require little introduction. Sooner or later every database person comes across a unique constraint on UPPER( The other popular example of a function based constraint is:

alter table Emp
ADD CONSTRAINT namesInUppercase CHECK ( UPPER(ename)=ename )

This chapter will show the many reasons why declarative constraints declaration is always better than any alternative solution. I witnessed that in my own experience. Consider the query:

select * from emp
where ename like 'MIL%'

When I saw the following query execution plan, I was puzzled where did the second conjunct UPPER(ename) like UPPER('MIL%') come from?

The plan looked as if the optimizer rewrote the query into:

select * from emp
where ename like 'MIL%'
and UPPER(ename) like 'MIL%'

The answer may be immediate here in hindsight of the constraint that I declared earlier, but in practice I totally forgot about the constraint which I declared a while ago. After quick investigation, I indeed found that there was a check constraint UPPER(ename) = ename declared upon the Emp table. In other words, the RDBMS engine leverages constraints when manipulating query predicates.

What is the point of adding one more filter condition to a query that would execute correctly anyway? Imagine that a function-based index was added upon an UPPER(ename) pseudo column.  It might be used, even though the original query does not refer to any function within the predicate:

select * from emp
where ename like 'MIL%'

A query execution leveraging an index often means difference between life and death from a performance perspective.

The next section will experiment with a somewhat more elaborated function based constraint.

Symmetric Functions

Consider an inventory database of boxes:

table Boxes (
   length integer,
   width  integer,
   height integer

Box dimensions in the real world are generally not given in any specific order. The choice of which dimensions becomes length, width, and height is essentially arbitrary. However, what if we want to identify the boxes according to their dimensions? For example, the box with length=1, width=2, and height=3 is the same box as the one with length=3, width=1, and height=2. Furthermore, how about declaring a unique dimensional constraint? More specifically, any two boxes that have the same dimensions would not be allowed.

An analytical mind would have no trouble recognizing that the heart of the problem is the column ordering. The values of the length, width, and height columns can be interchanged to form another legitimate record! Therefore, why not introduce three pseudo columns, say A, B, and C such that:

A ≤ B ≤ C

Then, a unique constraint on A, B, C should satisfy the requirement! It could be implemented as a function based unique index, as long as A, B, C can be expressed analytically in terms of length, width, height. Piece of cake: C is the greatest of length, width, height; A is the least of them, but how is B expressed? Well, the answer is easy to write although difficult to explain:

B = least (greatest (length,width),
greatest (width,height),
greatest (height,length) )

A mathematical perspective, as usual, clarifies a lot. Consider the following cubic equation:

If roots x1, x2, x3 are known, then the cubic polynomial could be factored as the following:

Marrying both equations, coefficients a, b, c are expressed in terms of roots x1, x2, x3:

The functions -x1-x2-x3, x1x2+x2x3+x3x1, -x1x2x3 are symmetric. Permuting x1, x2, x3 has no effect on the values a, b, c. In other words, the order among the roots of cubic equation is irrelevant: formally, we speak of a set of roots, not a list of roots. This is exactly the effect desired in the example with boxes. Symmetric functions rewritten in terms of length, width, height are:


Those expressions were simplified a little by leveraging the fact that the negation of a symmetric function is also symmetric.

The last solution is strikingly similar to the earlier one, where the greatest operator plays the role of multiplication, while the least operator goes as addition. It is even possible to suggest a solution, which is a mix-in between the two:


A reader can check that these three functions are again symmetric.

The last step is recording the solution in formal SQL:

table Boxes (
   length integer,
   width  integer,
   height integer

create unique index b_idx on Boxes(
   length + width + height,
   length * width + width * height + height * length,
   length * width * height

Symmetric functions provide a basis for a nifty solution. In practice however, a problem can often be solved by schema redesign. In the box inventory database example, a schema redesign is not necessary; simply change the practice of inserting unconstrained records (length,width,height) and demand that:

length ≥ width ≥ height

Information on Boolean Expressions in Check Constraints is available here:

Boolean Expressions in Check Constraints 

Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.

This is an excerpt from the new book SQL Design Patterns: The Expert Guide to SQL Programming by Vadim Tropashko

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off.


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