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Honing your Oracle problem solving skills

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonFebruary 11, 2015


Question:  I'm a scientist by training and my BS degree in electrical engineering has not prepared me well for the crazy world of Oracle performance tuning.  I was taught to carefully collect and analyze data,but in an Oracle emergency I must make decisions based on incomplete information.  My decisions go from being "certain" to being "probabilistic", and as a scientist, I find it very uncomfortable.  How do Oracle DBA's learn to make decisions with incomplete data?

Answer:  This is a very common question, and one that deserves a thoughtful answer. 

First, Oracle tuning is never fully quantifiable, so you need to develop an "MBA Mindset" towards problem solving:

  • The very act of instrumenting Oracle can cause a performance slowdown!  See here for an example instrumenting PL/SQL.  Also see how you can instrument end-to-end response time in SQL*Forms, but with measurable overhead.

  • Some components of Oracle are non-quantifiable.  The Oracle CBO cannot, by definition, always have current metadata.

  • Tuning a active database is like tuning a car while it's flying down the freeway at 80 mph!  Things happen very quickly, a reason that Oracle 11g has adopted a holistic approach, where you tune Oracle with real-world workloads to optimize with proven broad-brush Silver Bullet techniques.

The effective DBA must apply the techniques that are taught in all AACSB accredited business schools.  The business schools know that almost all business problems are semi-structured and that an effective manager must make decisions with limited data and compute probabilities on the fly.  You will see this bias towards problem solving with probabilities in the GMAT exam, and it's a critical skill.

With practice, an Oracle DBA can quickly learn how to determine probabilities on-the-fly. In 90 seconds, solve any problem, and be accurate to within +- 10%  For example, most people are surprised to find that they can determine the total number of pizza parlors in the Chicago metropolitan area with great accuracy.

These SWAG (a "Scientific Wild-A**ed Guess") techniques are now being taught in all AACSB business schools.  This article notes that MBA are only given 25 minutes to solve these semi-structured problems:

1. Why are manhole covers round?

2. Why are soda cans tapered at the top and bottom?

3. You are working for the manager of a plastics company. The division is unprofitable and is known for poor customer service What would you do?

4. How many barbers are there in Chicago? (McKinsey)

5. How many golf balls does it take to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool? (Booz Allen & Hamilton)

6. You are in a boat in a lake holding a rock. You drop the rock into the lake. Will the water level of the lake rise?

7. You and your neighbor, who aren't necessarily friends, are planning lawn sales for the same day. You are both planning to sell the same type of used appliance in the same condition. You plan to price the appliance at $100. Your neighbor plans to sell his for $40. What do you do? (Boston Consulting Group)

8. You are in a room with three light switches. Each one controls one lightbulb in the adjacent room. You need to discover which switch controls which bulb. You may flick only two switches, and you may enter the adjacent room with the lightbulbs only once. What do you do? (Boston Consulting Group)

9. How long would it take to move Mount Fuji (Booz Allen & Hamilton)

In sum, I would recommend that you supplement your BSEE with an MBA, but be careful to only choose an AACSB accredited MBA school, an avoid diploma mill MBA's.

If you like Oracle tuning, you might enjoy my book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

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