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UNICODE encoding tips

Oracle PL/SQL tips by Boobal Ganesan

This is an excerpt from the book Advanced PL/SQL: The Definitive Reference by Boobal Ganesan.

Unicode is a universal encoded character set that allows us to store characters from multiple languages. Unicode groups all the characters, irrespective of the program, language or the platform and assigns a unique code value to them for processing.

Supplementary Characters

The initial version of Unicode used 16 bits for encoding each character. By using 2 bytes for the encode process, a total of 65,536 characters only could be represented. This was not sufficient to represent all the characters in the world. To overcome this limitation, the supplementary characters were defined by the Unicode standard. The supplementary characters are the characters in the Unicode character set outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). The Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) consists of the first 65,536 characters in the Unicode character set and the rest are used by the supplementary characters.

Unicode Encodings

There are more than one Unicode encoding implementation standards based on the ways in which the characters are represented by the binary codes. Converting between these standards can be done using a simple algorithm based bit wise operation. The different encoding schemes are described below.

UTF-8 Encoding

UTF-8 is an 8-bit variable width encoding methodology which is a strict superset of the 7-bit ASCII implementation. This means that all the characters from the 7-bit ASCII implementation is available in UTF-8 with the same code values. One Unicode character in this encoding method can be of either 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit or 32-bit. This encoding method is vastly used on the UNIX platforms, HTML and most of the internet browsers. The main advantage of UTF-8 encoding is the ease of migration as it is the same as that of the 7-bit ASCII method.

UCS-2 Encoding

This is a 16-bit fixed width encoding method, where each character is 16-bit in size regardless of the language. UCS-2 can encode characters defined up to Unicode standard 3.0 only, so there is no possibility of adding any supplementary characters additionally. The main advantage of this encoding method is the faster processing of string as all characters are of the same size.

UTF-16 Encoding

UTF-16 is a 16-bit variable width encoding of Unicode. This is basically an extension of the UCS-2 method, providing support for supplementary character's addition which are defined in the Unicode 3.1.


One character can be of either 16-bit or 32-bit in this encoding and the supplementary characters are represented in 32-bit. The main advantage of this encoding method is the memory consumption, most of the Asian characters stored in this method is about 16-bit in size, whereas UTF-8 occupied a minimum of 24-bit for the same character storage.


Need to learn to program with PL/SQL?  For complete notes on programming in PL/SQL, we recommend the book Advanced PL/SQL: The Definitive Reference by Boobal Ganesan.

This is a complete book on PL/SQL with everything you need to know to write efficient and complex PL/SQL code.

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