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Inside Oracle Sorting

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonOctober 15, 2015


Oracle sorting is a very important component of Oracle tuning, yet sorting optimization is often overlooked. The process of sequencing database output goes back to the 1960's and in earlier databases the data was extracted in an unsorted fashion and sorted externally:
//SYSOUT DD DSN='ram_disk_dataset',DISP=(,DELETE,KEEP)
//SORTIN DD DSN='ram_disk_dataset',
//SORTOUT DD DSN='new_sorted_dataset',

By the way, this same process can be used in Linux/UNIX with Oracle.  This allows the DBA to redirect the unsorted result to super-fast RAM disk (SSD) where it can be sorted hundreds of times faster than platter disk (you can also make your TEMP tablespace in RAM disk).  Do do an external sort with Oracle, just add a separate step for sorting after the SQL*Plus extraction of the unsorted rows, something like this:

sqlplus /nolog @/u01/emp.sql > /u01/ssd/unsorted.txt 2>&1 |sort > /u01/ssd/sorted.txt

An Oracle database will automatically perform sorting operations on row data under the following circumstances:

  • When an index is created
  • When using the ORDER BY clause in SQL
  • When using the GROUP BY clause in SQL
There are several ways to sequence Oracle output rows:
  • Oracle internal sort (in sort_area_size or TEMP tablespace)
  • Retrieve the rows in pre-sorted order (using an index)
  • Using a third-party sort product - For shops that have to sequence millions of rows of output on an hourly basis, external sort products can be faster than using Oracle to sort the data.

Some shops purchase 3rd party vendor eternal sorting tools for Oracle, which employ specialized sorting algorithms for special data characteristics.  See this great web site for visualization of different sorting algorithms!

Sort at query time or sort after retrieval?

Oracle will always use the cheapest method for sequencing a result set, and the optimizer will use index retrieval (extracting the rows in sorted order) if it consumes fewer resources than a back-end sort. Remember, a sort that cannot fit into RAM will have to be done in the TEMP tablespace, very slow with lots of disk I/O.

For testing performance, you can manually override the optimizer and force index access with an /*+ index */ hint.

The choice of pre-sorting or post-sorting depends on several factors:

0 - The optimizer_mode parameter - The all_rows optimizer mode favors non-index sorting while first_rows optimization favors index access and retrieval in index order

1 - The cpu_cost parameter favors indexes, the io_cost setting favors sorting

2 - The size of your sort_area_size (or pga_aggregate_target, if used)

3 - The clustering_factor of the index (see dba_indexes view)

4 - The db_block_size and avg_row_len

5 - The estimated size of the sorted result set

6 - The quality of your optimizer statistics, as computed by the dbms_stats package

7 - The quality of CBO histograms for estimating the size of the final result set

Let's take a close look at the internals of Oracle sorting.

Allocating resources for sorting

Under the covers Oracle probably uses several sorting algorithms and the Oracle documentation notes that all sorts begin in the RAM defined by pga_aggregate_target or sort_area_size, and then spill-off onto disk (the TEMP tablespace), if the RAM is exhausted.  The algorithms are a competitive advantage for Oracle and are a closely held secret, but we can see that their sorting changes by release.  Joze Senegacnik notes a new method for sorting in Oracle 10g release 2:

?Oracle10gRw introduced a new sort algorithm which is using less memory and CPU resources [9],[10].

A hidden parameter _newsort_enabled = {TRUE|FALSE} governs whether the new sort algorithm will be used.?

Managing Oracle sorting

At the time a session is established with Oracle, a private sort area is allocated in memory for use by the session for sorting, based on the value of the sort_area_size initialization parameter. Unfortunately, the amount of memory must be the same for all sessions, and it's not possible to add additional sort areas for tasks that are sort intensive. Therefore, the DBA must strike a balance between allocating enough sort area to avoid disk sorts for the large sorting tasks, keeping in mind that the extra sort area will be allocated and not used by tasks that do not require intensive sorting.

Whenever a sort can't be completed within the assigned space, a disk sort is invoked using the temporary tablespace for the Oracle instance. A sort in the temporary tablespace is very I/O intensive and can slow down the entire database.

As a general rule, the sort_area_size should be large enough that only index creation and ORDER BY clauses using functions should be allowed to use a disk sort. However, operations on large tables will always perform disk sorts. For example, the following query will sort the salaries for all 100,000 employees at Oracle Corporation:

select   salary
from     employee
order by salary;

Oracle always tries to sort in the RAM space within sort_area_size and only goes to a disk sort when the RAM memory is exhausted.

Disk sorts are expensive for several reasons. First, they consume resources in the temporary tablespaces. Oracle must also allocate buffer pool blocks to hold the blocks in the temporary tablespace. In-memory sorts are always preferable to disk sorts, and disk sorts will surely slow down an individual task, as well as affect concurrent tasks on the Oracle instance.

Also, excessive disk sorting will cause a high value for free buffer waits, paging other tasks' data blocks out of the buffer. You can see the amount of disk and in-memory sorts by issuing the query shown here:

Here, you can see that there were 49 sorts to disk. Out of a total of 7,019 sorts, this is well below 1 percent and is probably acceptable for the system.

The sort information can be captured in STATSPACK tables and plotted to determine the times when disk sorts are experienced by the instance, as shown here:

This is the STATSPACK script that will produce the numbers for the above graph.















Super sizing sort areas

Many Oracle professionals do not know the important limitations of pga_aggregate_target, and they do not know that they can dedicate large amounts of RAM to avoid a time-consuming disk sort in the TEMP tablespace:

  • The total work area cannot exceed 200 megabytes of RAM because of the default setting for _pga_max_size.

  • No RAM sort may use more than 5% of pga_aggregate_target or _pga_max_size, whichever is smaller. This means that no task may use more than 10 megabytes for sorting.

The following settings would increase the default sizes for large sorts.

pga_aggregate_target = 1000m
_pga_max_size = 1000m
_smm_px_max_size = 333m

With these hidden parameters set we see a 5 times larger size increase for sorts and a RAM sort may now have up to 50 megabytes (5% of pga_aggregate_target) a 5x increase.

Tip! In some cases Oracle is able to bypass a sort by reading the data in sorted order from the index. Oracle will even read data in reverse order from an index to avoid an in-memory sort.

For complete details on tuning Oracle sorting, see my book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference". 


Also, see my related notes on Oracle sorting here:




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