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ORA- 39171 tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonMay 22, 2015


Question:  I am getting this ORA-39171 error during an import:

statement in resumable session 'SYSTEM.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_02.1' was suspended due to

ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond 1 in tablespace MY_DATA

How do I fix the ORA-39171 error and resume my import (impdp) job?

Answer:  The oerr utility shows this for the ORA-39171 error message:

ORA- 39171:  Job is experiencing a resumable wait.\n%s"

Cause: The Data Pump job is stalled with one or more of its sessions having a resumable wait. Resumable waits are typically caused by a non-expandable tablespace running out of space. The follow-on message describes the nature of the wait.

Action: Correct the condition causing the wait. This will typically involve adding datafiles to the tablespace that is full.

The resumable_timeout parameter setting determines the wait time before the job aborts:

ORA-30032: the suspended (resumable) statement has timed out

When you have a resumable wait, you can use the following steps to re-start the import utility:

1:  From the impdp windows, use <ctrl> c to stop the import job.  This will result in a prompt like this


2:  Next, stop the job without aborting it:

Import> stop_job=immediate

2a.  At this point, you can kill the job if you wish to start over:

Import> kill_job

3:  Next, fix the root cause of the error.  This could be adding a datafile to a tablespace or resizing a datafile or enabling the "autoextend" option for a tablespace.

alter datafile 'C:\myfiles\mydata.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;

4.  Now we re-attach the import job to its session in the database:

C:\import> impdp scott/tiger parfile my_imp.par attach=job_name

If you omit the attach parameter, Oracle will assign a default name for the job.

5:  Now, we can re-start the import (impdp) job:

Import> start_job

Note that at any time during the execution of the import job you can use <cntl> c and use this command to see the status of your import job:

Import> status

Get the Complete
Oracle Utility Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle Utilities The Definitive Reference"  contains over 600 pages of filled with valuable information on Oracle's secret utilities. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.



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