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Information Technology (IT) speaker

IT Tips by Donald BurlesonSeptember 3,  2015

Noted IT speaker Donald K. Burleson is available to present IT management topics to professional IT management groups, just contact us.

Donald K, Burleson is the CTO at Burleson Consulting, one of America's largest remote DBA service providers.  He has been a working IT manager for more than 25 years and he has authored more then 30 books on computer systems management.  A retired adjunct professor emeritus, Burleson has a reputation as an exciting and dynamic speaker, always top-rated at large international conferences such as Oracle OpenWorld.

Donald K. Burleson IT management presentation topics:


Donald K. Burleson is available to speak with audiences of mid-level and senior IT managers across the USA.  If you would like Mr. Burleson to present at your IT management group, just give is a call or e-mail us at

IT 2020:  The future of Information Technology

Over the next decade, the advances in hardware and software technology are going to have a huge impact of the job duties of the IT professional.  This presentation explores current IT trends from a historical perspective and shows how the shifting landscape of CPU, disk and RAM is driving IT management in fascinating directions.

Most managers understand that hardware advances precedes software advances, but this trend has one important exception in that the speed of RAM and platter disks have not changed appreciable in the past 25 years while CPU power continues to improve.  We also are on the cusp of seeing solid-state RAM disk replace the old-fashioned platters, a change that will forever alter the way we manage large information systems.

These market changes have profound ramifications to the IT industry as servers, software, and IT skills shift to reflect these changing market dynamics.

Solid-state databases, server consolidation, automated tuning tools, all of these trends change the way that IT managers work.  An effective manager must understand this changing landscape of the IT industry and be prepared to adopt novel approaches to accommodate these new dynamics.

This fun and interesting presentation will give the attendees a look into how their jobs are going to change, sooner than they think.

Key Points:

- See how hardware advances precede software advances

- Understand the current movement towards server consolidation

- See how solid-state RAM disk will change data management

The 64-bit Revolution: Tips and tricks for the next generation of computer systems

The next generation of 64-bit servers are here and all IT professionals need to know how to optimize computer systems on a 64-bit server.  This presentation explores the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, highlights the benefits (and drawbacks) of 64-bit and shows real examples from TPC benchmarks demonstrating how to get the most from systems in a 64-bit environment.

We explore the benefits of the new non-uniform memory access (NUMA) features of 64-bit processors, see how to predict the benefits from moving to 64-bit and understand how to employ large data buffering regions to hypercharge I/O speed.

 Topics will include:

- Inside the 64-bit chip architecture

- See how to use large data buffers

- How to tell of 64-bit is right for you

Internals of File I/O Management

Disk I/O remains the single most expensive of any operation and every computer professional needs to know how to manage the storage and retrieval of their database.  With 64-bit technology, the IT professional also must understand the internals of RAM data buffering and how to get the most from your RAM resources. 

This presentation will use real-world examples from large IT shops and demonstrate proven techniques for identifying and correcting I/O bottlenecks.  We will also explore the new solid-state disk (SSD) technology and see how SSD is being applied in data intensive environments for super-fast I/O

This presentation will examine the dismal future of platter disks and look at disk load balancing and striping strategies for large database systems.  We also explore RAM caching of disk I/O and how and when to use solid-state disk.

Key points:

- Understand internals of disk I/O

- See how to locate disk I/O bottlenecks

- See remedies for disk contention

How to hire the right IT professional

In this competitive job market, hiring the "right" IT professional is more challenging than ever before.

When screening hundreds of resumes you must be able to quickly pare-down the list and focus on those applicants who have the right combination of technical and interpersonal skills.  Using proven interview and screening techniques, this presentation will show secrets for resume evaluation, telephone screening and the top job interview questions. 

By using a method of unobtrusive measures you can quickly and accurately access important non-technical factors such as personality and the applicant's ability to work as a team player.  The job market is full of "posers" and pretenders, and you need to know the right kind of questions to ask a computer job candidate to separate the wheat from the chaff.

This is an indispensable presentation for all IT managers who want to hire the right IT professional the first time and avoid costly hiring mistakes.

- Learn how to quickly identify resume puffing and fraud

- See how to evaluate personality of a professional

- Learn how to ask important personal questions without violating the law


Ace your IT Job Interview

If you are one of several hundred qualified job applicants, what can you do to set yourself apart from the competition?  An expert hiring manager knows secrets for quickly spotting fakers and "posers" and looks for important keywords in your resume.  They also employ special techniques to quickly access your strengths and weaknesses.

You must also pass a tough telephone screening before you even get a chance to come on-site for the real interview.  Learn from the manager what to expect and what managers are looking for in a telephone interview.

The on-site interview is also challenging and the interviewer will use tools to quickly access you demeanor, technical skills and personality.  Learn what unobtrusive questions you might be asked, what the manager is "really" asking, and the most appropriate response.

- Learn to "read between the lines" of innocent job interview questions and write a bullet-proof resume

- Understand how to set yourself apart from the competition

- Hear the questions asked during computer job telephone interviews

Downsizing strategies for the IT manager

The collapse of major financial institutions has rippled through the economy and managers everywhere are searching for ways to stretch their dollars.  In this article, we will explore the ways that IT Managers trim their budgets to survive the looming worldwide recession.

Bank failures, global insecurity, the credit crunch and declining sales have many Corporations faced with tough choices.  Some must either limp along with fewer resources or face bankruptcy, and managers everywhere are struggling to find cost cutting opportunities throughout the organization.

This has had a direct and noticeable impact on the IT community.  Layoffs are rampant, and those computer professionals who are fortunate enough to have their jobs are faced with cutting corners. Many perks that were considered essential to an IT professional a few years ago are gone.  No more two weeks of professional training courses, no more trips to conferences and user group meetings, no more frills.

In spite of the recognition by all levels of managers of the importance of safeguarding information and the value of computer systems, they still aren't immune from layoffs and cutbacks.  Let's take a close look at how managers can trim the fat from an IT department while keeping the quality to acceptable levels. 



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Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

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