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How to index with a SQL CASE statement

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonDecember 29,  2015

Question:  I have a SQL statement using a CASE statement and it does not use an index.  How can I make an index that can be used by a CASE statement?  Here is my SQL statement which causes a full-table scan, but only when the CASE statement is included:

select ...
from TABLE_1
where ....
when 'PO' then PO_ID
when 'VOUCHER' then voucher_id
ELSE journal_id
end = '0000000001'

The table has regular indexes defined, based on PO, VOUCHER & Journal. I've found that, without the CASE statement in the SQL, the SOURCE_TRAN index is used, but the index is not used when I add the CASE statement to the SQL. How can I use a CASE expression to index this query?

Answer:  Using function-based indexes (FBI) you can create an index on any built-in function, including a CASE expression.  Here we use CASE within the create index syntax:

create index
case_index as
when 'PO' then PO_ID
when 'VOUCHER' then voucher_id
ELSE journal_id
end = '0000000001'

Once created, you need to create CBO statistics, but beware that there are numerous bugs and issues when analyzing a function-based index.  See these important notes on statistics and function-based indexes:

EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_index_stats('OWNER', 'CASE_INDEX');

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(
   tabname=> 'CASE_TAB,
   method_opt=> 'FOR ALL HIDDEN COLUMNS SIZE 1′

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(
ownname => 'OWNER',
tabname => 'CASE_TAB',
cascade => TRUE);

As a final step, run the execution plan for the query and ensure that your SQL with CASE is using the appropriate index.
Followup:  Thanks B, FBI works great!!!
Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.

See these additional notes on using function-based indexes here.
  1. Oracle SQL tips

  2. Dictionary query to display function-based index function

  3. Oracle function based indexes

  4. Oracle - Function Based Indexes (FBI)

  5. Oracle Concepts - Function-based indexes




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