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Oracle 100% CPU tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson


Question:  I checked by server and was dismayed to find my CPU consumption at 100%.  How do I reduce Oracle CPU consumption?


Answer: Remember, all virtual memory servers are designed to drive CPU to 100% as soon as possible.  Hence, 100% CPU utilization may not be sub-optimal because 100% CPU simply means that all the processors are busy (that's how the server SMP architecture is designed).  

You only have CPU shortages when there are more tasks waiting for CPU, than you have CPU's (your cpu_count).  Also see Oracle SQL causing high CPU.


The only way to tell if your server has a CPU bottleneck is when the CPU runqueue values (per vmstat) exceeds the number of processors on the server (cpu_count). 

There is a "Chicken Little" myth among neophytes who panic when they see that CPU is 100%, and they do not understand that 100% CPU utilization this is the desired (and optimal) behavior.  Let's take a closer look at CPU and Oracle databases.


There is a big differences between a database with 100% CPU usage and a system with CPU enqueues.  You can see ?real? enqueues on CPU resources when the runqueue (r) column in vmstat exceeds the cpu_count parameter value, and you can also detect an overloaded CPU when you see the ?resmgr:cpu quantum? event in a top-5 timed event on a AWR or STATSPACK report.


The myth of 100% CPU being a bottleneck


Billy Verreynne, a practicing software engineer in South Africa  notes that an Oracle database experiencing 100% CPU, by itself, does not indicate a CPU problem:

"100% CPU alone not an indication of a problem and can indicate an optimal state"

The book Oracle Performance Tuning 101" (2001) by Gaja Vaidyanatha notes this common misperception about the 100% CPU utilization myth:

"One of the classic myths about CPU utilization is that a system with 0 percent idle is categorized as a system undergoing CPU bottlenecks...


It is perfectly okay to have a system with 0 percent idle, so long as the average runnable queue for the CPU is less than (2 x number of CPUs)."

Please note that it is not uncommon to see the CPU approach 100 percent even when the server is not overwhelmed with work. This is because the UNIX internal dispatchers will always attempt to keep the CPUs as busy as possible. This maximizes task throughput, but it can be misleading for a neophyte.

Remember, it is not a cause for concern when the user + system CPU values approach 100 percent. This just means that the CPUs are working to their full potential. The only metric that identifies a CPU bottleneck is when the run queue (r value) exceeds the number of CPUs on the server.  The this output below, the 16 CPU server is not experiencing a CPU shortage because the (r) "runqueue" value is 12, meaning that all Oracle asks are getting prompt service.

vmstat 5 1

kthr     memory             page              faults        cpu    
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
 r  b   avm   fre  re  pi  po  fr   sr  cy  in   sy  cs us sy id wa
 12  0 217485   386  0   0   0   4   14   0 202  300 210 20 75  3  2

Here is justification from IBM that 100% CPU is "optimal" (from the IBM documentation):

"Optimum use would have the CPU working 100 percent of the time.


This holds true in the case of a single-user system with no need to share the CPU. Generally, if us + sy time is below 90 percent, a single-user system is not considered CPU constrained. However, if us + sy time on a multiuser system exceeds 80 percent, the processes may spend time waiting in the run queue. Response time and throughput might suffer.

To check if the CPU is the bottleneck, consider the four cpu columns and the two kthr (kernel threads) columns in the vmstat report. It may also be worthwhile looking at the faults column:"

Viewing CPU utilization for Oracle

Server statistics can be viewed in a variety of ways using standard server-side UNIX and Linux tools such as vmstat, glance  , top  and sar .  The goal is to ensure that the database server has enough CPU and RAM resources at all times in order to manage the Oracle requests.

Oracle has many operations that are CPU intensive, and tuning can reduce CPU:

  • Logical I/O (consistent gets) has high CPU overhead, and buffer touches can be reduced via SQL tuning (adding more selective indexes, materialized views).

  • Library cache contention (high parses) drives-up CPU

Having 100% CPU is not always a problem, it's normal for virtual memory servers to drive CPU consumption to 100%.  Also note that in Oracle10g and beyond, we have the _optimizer_cost_model which is set to CPU, from the default in 9i and earlier of IO.  This parameter is for Oracle databases that are CPU-bound, and it tells Oracle to create the CBO decision tree weights with estimated CPU consumption, not estimated I/O costs.  See here for details.

When analyzing vmstat output, there are several metrics to which you should pay attention. For example, keep an eye on the CPU run queue column. The run queue should never exceed the number of CPUs on the server.

If you do notice the run queue exceeding the amount of CPUs, it's a good indication that your server has a CPU bottleneck.  Inside Oracle, you can display CPU for any Oracle user session with this script:


   VALUE/100 cpu_usage_seconds
   v$session ss,

   v$sesstat se,
   v$statname sn

   NAME like '%CPU used by this session%'

   se.SID = ss.SID


   ss.username is not null

order by VALUE desc;

For complete scripts to monitor CPU, see the Oracle script download

See these related notes on CPU consumption:

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