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Let's roll - The true story of an Oracle hero

There were many heroes on September 11, 2001, but one of the most notable was the brave fellow who charged into certain death to prevent the hijackers on flight 93 from reaching their target.  If you have ever seen the movie "Flight 93", you know about the courageous Todd Beamer who saved the lives of hundreds of people by sacrificing his life to kill the hijackers. 

Todd is best remembered for his famous last words:

"Are you guys ready? Let's roll."

Todd Beamer, Oracle

Todd Beamer, age 32, was an account manager with Oracle Corporation in New Jersey.

Oracle has a history of only hiring the best and the brightest, but it's clear from Mr. Beamer's acts that Oracle also hires the bravest.  (There were seven other Oracle employees who died in the World Trade Center on 911).

In a NEWSWEEK article titled "The Real Story of Flight 93" we see the complete transcript of this amazing fellow, and his heartbreaking last conversations, as he realized that he was going to die.

""In daring and dying, the passengers and crew of Flight 93 found victory for us all."

In this link describing the telephone conversation that he had before storming the hijackers we see that Todd was brave to the end:

"Beamer became anxious.

"Oh! We're going down!" he shouted at one point.

He paused, then said in a calmer voice, "No, we're OK. I think we're turning around."

Beamer then told Jefferson that he and the others had decided to "jump on" the hijacker wearing the bomb.

Jefferson could hear shouts and commotion and then Beamer asked her to pray with him. They recited the 23rd Psalm.

He got Jefferson to promise that she would call his family, then dropped the phone, leaving the line open.

That's when Jefferson heard what Lisa Beamer believes were her husband's last words: "Let's roll."

Then there was silence. Jefferson hung up at 10 a.m. EST, realizing that the plane had gone down. Officials said it crashed at 9:58 a.m."

His widow, Lisa Beamer has published the book ?Let's Roll?, describing her husbands courage, and I would encourage everyone to get a copy and show your support for this wonderful Oracle employee.

In her book she reveals that Larry Ellison may have had special contacts with the government, knowing about Todd's death before the general public.

"On 9/13/2001, Larry Ellison, chief executive officer (CEO) of Oracle, sent an email to Oracle employees. In this email, Ellison praised Todd for Todd's heroic actions in fighting the terrorists and in stopping the plane from reaching its destination in Washington DC. (pages 184, 185)".



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