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db_writer_processes Tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonApril 22, 2013

Question:  I have a busy database where the DBWR processes are responsible for the majority of the I/O.  How do I know when I need more db_writer_processes?


Answer: The db_writer_processes database writers manage the "dirty block" cleanouts from the data buffer, and there are very few tuning option other than adjusting the number of DBWR processes.

The default for db_writer_processes is set by Oracle automatically to 1, or cpu_count/8, whichever is greater, and the db_writer_processes cannot exceed a value of 20.

Oracle allows for multiple DBWR processes and I/O slaves as possible tuning solutions to prevent the database writer from becoming a bottleneck. These are the main tuning knobs for the DBWR processes (db_writer_processes, dbwr_io_slaves disk_ascych_io).

The most common symptom of a DBWR tuning issue is high "free buffer waits" and "write complete waits" in the AWR table dba_hist_system_event:

event like 'db file %' or
event = 'free buffer waits' or
event = 'write complete waits'
order by
time_waited desc;

There are a few hidden parameters relating to the database writer (_db_writer_verify_writes, db_block_checksum, _db_block_write_batch and _db_block_max_scan_cnt and _db_writer_scan_depth) but these DBWR parameters should only be changed at the request of Oracle technical support.

The db_writer_processes invokes a database writer on the following conditions:

1. A user process writes a used buffer to the dirty buffer list and finds it is _db_block_write_batch / 2 long.

2. A user process searches _db_block_max_scan_cnt buffers without finding a clean one.

3. The DBWR has been inactive for three seconds.

4. When a checkpoint occurs, LGWR signals DBWR to trigger it to write.

The DBWR writes out _db_block_write_batch buffers each time it is triggered. If there aren't that many buffers in the dirty buffer list, the buffers on the LRU list are written until _db_block_write_batch buffers are written.


There are also several metrics that can be used for tuning the DBWR:

select distinct name from v$sysstat where name like 'DBWR%'

DBWR buffers scanned
DBWR checkpoint buffers written
DBWR checkpoints
DBWR cross instance writes
DBWR free buffers found
DBWR fusion writes
DBWR lru scans
DBWR make free requests
DBWR revisited being-written buffer
DBWR summed scan depth
DBWR transaction table writes
DBWR undo block writes

An example report that pulls the DBWR related statistics from the v$sysstat, v$waitstat, and v$buffer_pool_statistics views are shown here:

rem dbwr_stat.sql
rem mike ault - 11/09/01 created
col name format a46 heading 'dbwr statistic'
col value format 9,999,999,999 heading 'statistic value'
set pages 40
from (select name, value from v$sysstat
where name not like '%redo%' and name not like '%remote%') a
where ( like 'dbwr%' or like '%buffer%'
or like '%write%' or like '%summed%')
select class name, count value from v$waitstat
where class='data block'
select name||' '||to_char(block_size/1024)||'k hit ratio',
round(((1 - (physical_reads / (db_block_gets + consistent_gets))) * 100),3)
from v$buffer_pool_statistics
select name||' '||to_char(block_size/1024)||'k free buffer wait',free_buffer_wait
from v$buffer_pool_statistics
select name||' '||to_char(block_size/1024)||'k buffer busy wait',buffer_busy_wait
from v$buffer_pool_statistics
select name||' '||to_char(block_size/1024)||'k write complete
wait',write_complete_wait value
from v$buffer_pool_statistics
spool off

DBWR Statistic Statistic Value
---------------------------------------------- ---------------
DBWR buffers scanned                                 0
DBWR checkpoint buffers written                  2,601
DBWR checkpoints                                    18
DBWR cross instance writes 0
DBWR free buffers found 0
DBWR fusion writes 0
DBWR lru scans 0
DBWR make free requests 0
DBWR revisited being-written buffer 0
DBWR summed scan depth 0
DBWR transaction table writes 95
DBWR undo block writes 1,156

Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.



Burleson is the American Team

Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

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