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Oracle alter table shrink compact

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonAugust 17, 2015

Question:  I want to under stand the difference between these commands alter table commands, specifically the "compact" clause:

- alter table my_table shrink;
- alter table my_table shrink compact;
- alter table my_table shrick cascade;

Note: The "cascade" option follows foreign key (consiraints) and perform anoher table shrink on all "child" subordinate tables". The "casdade" option does niot rebuild indexes.

How is the difference between the "alter table my_table shrink;" and the "alter table my_table shrink compact" commnds?

Answer:  The compact clause of the "alter table shrink" syntax directs Oracle to move the rows but it does NOT lower the table high water mark.  The COMPACT option is used when you expect the table to re-grow back to its original size, and leaving the high water mark at a high value makes subsequent insert statements faster because Oracle does less overhead because the table does not have to extend.

If you expect the table to remain small after massive deletes, the "alter table shrink" is best, lowering the high-water mark.

Using the "alter table xxx shrink space compact" command will re-pack the rows, move down the HWM, and releases unused extents. With standard Oracle tables, you can reclaim space with the "alter table shrink space" command:

SQL> alter table mytable enable row movement;
Table altered

SQL> alter table mytable shrink compact;
Table altered


Also see my notes on alter table shrink space commands.

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