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Redo Log Buffers

Oracle RAC Cluster Tips by Burleson Consulting

A log buffer is a circular buffer in the SGA that holds information about changes made to the database. This information is stored in the redo entries. Redo entries contain the information necessary to reconstruct or redo changes made to the database by insert, update, delete, create, alter, or drop operations. Redo entries are primarily used for database recovery as necessary.

The server processes generate redo data into the log buffer as they make changes to the data blocks in the buffer. LGWR subsequently writes entries from the redo log buffer to the online redo log.

Database Buffer Cache

The database buffer cache holds copies of data blocks read from the data files. The term data block is used to describe a block containing table data, index data, clustered data, and so on. Basically, it is a block that contains data. All user processes concurrently connected to the instance share access to the database buffer cache. The database buffer cache is logically segmented into multiple sets. This reduces contention on multiprocessor systems.

This area of the SGA contains only the buffers themselves and not their control structures. For each buffer, there is a corresponding buffer header in the variable area of the SGA.

Program Global Area (PGA)

A Program Global Area (PGA) is a memory region that contains data and control information for a server process. It is a non-shared memory region created by Oracle when a server process is started. Access to the PGA is exclusive to that server process and it is read and written only by Oracle code acting on its behalf. It contains a private SQL area and a session memory area.

A private SQL area contains data such as bind information and runtime memory structures. Each session that issues a SQL statement has a private SQL area. Session memory is the memory allocated to hold a session's variables (logon information) and other information related to the session. For a shared server, the session memory is shared and not private.

Buffer Cache Management

The database buffer cache is organized in two lists: the write list and the least-recently-used (LRU) list. The write list holds dirty buffers, which contain data that has been modified but has not yet been written to disk. The LRU list holds free buffers, pinned buffers, and dirty buffers that have not yet been moved to the write list. Free buffers do not contain any useful data and are available for use. Pinned buffers are buffers that are currently being accessed.

When an Oracle process requires data, it searches the buffer cache, finds the data blocks, and then uses the data. This is known as a cache hit. If it cannot find the data, then it must be obtained from the data file. In this case, it finds a free buffer to accommodate the data block by scanning the LRU list, starting at the least-recently-used from the end of the list. The process searches either until it finds a free buffer or until it has searched the threshold limit of buffers.

When the user process is performing a full table scan, it reads the data blocks into buffers and places them on the LRU end instead of the MRU end of the LRU list. This is because a fully scanned table is usually needed only briefly and the blocks should be moved out quickly.

What Is a Dirty Block?

Whenever a server process changes or modifies a data block, it becomes a dirty block. Once a server process makes changes to the data block, the user may commit transactions, or transactions may not be committed for quite some time. In either case, the dirty block is not immediately written back to disk.

Writing dirty blocks to disk takes place under the following two conditions:

* When a server process cannot find a clean, reusable buffer after scanning a threshold number of buffers, then the database writer process writes the dirty blocks to disk.

* When the checkpoint takes place, the database writer process writes the dirty blocks to disk.


This is an excerpt from the bestselling book Oracle Grid & Real Application Clusters, Rampant TechPress, by Mike Ault and Madhu Tumma.

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.


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