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Oracle vs. SQL Server

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting
November 9 2015

For those of us plagued by marketing hype about why you should run your databases on SQL Server & Windows vs. Oracle on Linux:

Here are related notes comparing SQL Server to Oracle: has recently published at detailed comparison of the relative merits of Oracle Vs. SQL Server:

The evaluator, Eli Leiba, works at the Israel Electric Company as a senior application DBA in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, and has certifications in Oracle and SQL Server database administration and implementation. Additionally, Mr. Leiba teaches SQL Server DBA and development courses at the Microsoft CTEC.

Leiba compares SQL Server to Oracle along the following lines:

  • Platform dependency  (Guess who wins here?)

  • Locking and concurrency

  • Performance & tuning

  • Object Types

  • Procedural languages (PL/SQL vs. T-SQL)

  • Clustering Technology

  • Reliability

For example, here are Mr. Leiba?s comparison of Oracle vs. SQL Server performance features:

  • In SQL Server, the DBA has no "real" control over sorting and cache memory allocation. The memory allocation is decided only globally in the server properties memory folder, and that applies for ALL memory and not CACHING, SORTING, etc.

  • In SQL Server, all pages (blocks) are always 8k and all extents are always 8 pages (64k). This means you have no way to specify larger extents to ensure contiguous space for large objects.

  • In SQL Server, no range partitioning of large tables and indexes. In Oracle, a large 100 GB table can be seamlessly partitioned at the database level into range partitions. For example, an invoice table can be partitioned into monthly partitions. Such partitioned tables and partitioned indexes give performance and maintenance benefits and are transparent to the application.

  • There is no partitioning in SQL Server.

  • There are no bitmap indexes in SQL Server.

  • There are no reverse key indexes in SQL Server.

  • There are no function-based indexes in SQL Server.

  • There is no star query optimization in SQL Server.

Tony Jambu Notes:  Oracle 10g vs. SQL Server

Given the release of 10gR2, Oracle seems to be moving ahead of its competitors. But where are its competitors in terms of their technical features? The one database competitor we hear a lot about is Microsoft's SQL Server.

With its imminent release of MS-SQL Server 2005 also known as Yukon, it pays to be aware of it strengths and weaknesses as compared to Oracle's 10g.

The hard work of comparing the two databases, Oracle 10g and MS-SQL Server 2005 (beta) has been done by David Gornshtein and Boris Tamarkin of WisdomForce Technologies, Inc

David and Boris have produced a comprehensive technical whitepaper comparing their features, strengths and weaknesses. This has to be the most detailed and unbiased report I have come across. They definitely have an in-depth knowledge of both Oracle 10g and MS-SQL Server 2005 (beta). The report is being quoted on all the major trade websites. Just do a search on "Oracle 10g and MS-SQL Server 2005" and you will find this report turning up every where.

Did you know that MS-SQL Server 2005 now has:

- New locking mechanisms. Writers don't block readers (yawn).
- With Snapshot Isolation (SI) there is data consistency on transaction begin.
- With "Read committed snapshot" isolation level which provides for read consistency.
- New online data and index reorganization
- Physical table and indexing portioning
- The use of Btree for indexes
- Specialized index on a computed column (ala Function based Index)
- Indexed View (ala Materialized Views)
- Replication via Peer-to-Peer Transaction replication and Database mirroring
- More online backup and recovery options

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