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The vi Editor - Deleting Text

Linux Tips by Burleson Consulting

The vi editor provides commands for deleting or replacing single characters, single or multiple words, and single or multiple lines of text.  Table 9.4 shows some common delete and replace commands with their associated actions.  Remember you need to be in command mode to use these.




Delete one character of text


Replace one character of text with the next character entered


Delete entire word (3dw deletes 3 words)


Delete entire line (3dd deletes 3 lines)


Delete from cursor to end of line


Switch to insert mode after deleting current character


Delete entire word and switch to insert mode


Delete entire line and switch to insert mode


Change (delete and switch to insert mode) from cursor position to end of line

Table 9.4: Delete or replace text commands

Searching for Text Strings

The vi editor allows the user to search for a text string either forward (down) in the file or backward (up).  It also allows a shortcut for repeating the search.   A special search capability that comes in handy when writing shell scripts is the ability to search for matching parentheses, brackets, and braces.  Table 9.5 below shows some search commands and their associated actions.




Search forward in the file for text


Search backward (up) in the file for text


With the cursor on a parentheses, bracket, or brace character, you can press the % key to move the cursor to its matching open or close character

Table 9.5: Search commands and their associated actions

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text

Any of the text deleting commands presented earlier work similarly to the cut feature of Windows in that they place the deleted text in a buffer area for potential retrieval at a later time. In Windows, the buffer is referred to as the clipboard. 

In vi there is a unnamed default buffer and 26 specifically referenced buffers, each identified by one of the letters of the alphabet (a, b, c, d, etc.).  In order to reference one of the named buffers, the buffer identifier character is preceded with a single open quotation.  So, ?a refers to buffer a, ?b refers to buffer b, and so on.

When one of the delete commands is used, the text is cut from the document and placed in the default buffer.  To retrieve text from the default buffer, the upper case P command can be used to paste the default buffer before the current cursor line, or the lower case p command can be used to paste the contents of the buffer after the current line.  Therefore, a 5dd command followed by a cursor movement and a P command would cut five lines of text and place them before the line where the cursor was moved.

Instead of cutting or deleting text, it is also possible to copy text from a file using the yank (yy) command.  The yank command presents the option of copying text to one of the specific named buffers.  Where yy would copy the current line to the unnamed default (unnamed), ?cyy would copy the current line to the buffer named c.

The issuance of multiple yank commands to the same buffer without intervening paste commands will result in buffer overwrites.  In other words, the user cannot yank line five to buffer a, then yank line seven to buffer a and expect to be able to paste both lines five and seven somewhere.  When a user yanks line five, it is placed in buffer a as requested, but when a command to yank line 7 to buffer a follows, line 7 will overwrite line five, which is sitting in the buffer.  This is one of the reasons for providing multiple named buffers to use for multiple successive yanks.  Table 9.6 shows copy and paste commands and their associated actions.




Copy (yank) the current line of text into the default (unnamed) buffer


Copy (yank) the current line of text into the buffer named b


Copy five lines of text to the default buffer


Paste the default buffer after the current cursor line


Paste the default buffer before the current cursor line


Paste the contents of named buffer b before the current cursor line

Table 9.6: Copy and paste commands and their actions

Undo and Other Useful Commands

Table 9.7 shows some additional miscellaneous commands and their associate actions.  Most important may be the u command which will undo the last change that was made.  In most vi editors you can undo several of the most recent commands.




Join the current cursor line with the next line in the file


Split the current line at the cursor position when in insert mode.


Undo the last change that was made


Undo any changes made to the current cursor line

:r filename

Read the file named filename and insert it below the current cursor line

Table 9.7: Miscellaneous commands and their associated actions

vi Reference

For your convenience we have compiled the tables of vi commands together for quick reference.




Append text to the right of the cursor


Insert text to the left of the cursor


Insert a new line below the current line


Append text to the end of the current line


Insert text at the beginning of the current line


Insert a new line above the current line

Insert Commands

To return to command mode from insert mode use the escape key.




Write the file to disk


Write the file to disk and quit the editor


Same as :wq

:w! newfile

Write the file to a new disk file called newfile

Write Commands




Move cursor one position to the left (left arrow)


Move cursor one line down (down arrow)


Move cursor one line up (up arrow)


Move cursor one position to the right (right arrow)


Move to the beginning of the current line


Move cursor to the end of the current line


Move to beginning of previous word


Move to beginning of next word


Move to end of next word


Move to end of the file


Move to line n


Move to the first word one the next line


Page backward (up)


Page forward (down)

Cursor Movement




Delete one character of text


Replace one character of text with the next character entered


Delete entire word (3dw deletes 3 words)


Delete entire line (3dd deletes 3 lines)


Delete from cursor to end of line


Switch to insert mode after deleting current character


Delete entire word and switch to insert mode


Delete entire line and switch to insert mode


Change (delete and switch to insert mode) from cursor position to end of line

Delete and Replace Commands




Search forward in the file for text


Search backward (up) in the file for text


With the cursor on a parentheses, bracket, or brace character, you can press the % key to move the cursor to its matching open or close character

Search Commands




Copy (yank) the current line of text into the default buffer


Copy (yank) the current line of text into the buffer named b


Copy five lines of text to the default buffer


Paste the default buffer after the current cursor line


Paste the default buffer before the current cursor line


Paste the contents of named buffer b before the current cursor line

Copy and Paste Commands




Join the current cursor line with the next line in the file


Split the current line at the cursor position when in insert mode.


Undo the last change that was made


Undo any changes made to the current cursor line

:r filename

Read the file named filename and insert it below the current cursor line

This is an excerpt from "Easy Linux Commands" by Linux guru Jon Emmons.  You can purchase it for only $19.95 (30%-off) at this link.



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