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Conditional Statements

Linux Tips by Burleson Consulting

An important aspect of programming is being able to determine if a condition is true or false and then perform specific actions depending upon the outcome of the condition test.  This can be especially useful when used with the exit status of the previous command.

Shell scripting supplies several ways of testing conditions and then performing specific actions.  Some examples of condition statements are the if condition, the case statement and the test or expression statement.  Conditions are also tested in the while loop and the until loop and specific actions are repeated.

The IF condition

The simple form of the if statement consists of the if condition, a then statement followed by commands to be executed when the if condition is true, and the IF statement (if spelled backwards) which ends the if statement.  The condition usually consists of a simple comparison between two values, such as A=B or number=5. The following is a simple if conditional statement.

$ x=3
$ y=9
$ if [ $x -lt $y ]
>     then
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  x=${x} which is less than y=${y}"
>       echo "  "
> fi

 x=3 which is less than y=9

The simple if statement also provides an else clause which allows the execution of commands when the condition is false.  The following is an example of a simple if-then-else statement.

$ x=3
$ y=2
$ if [ $x -lt $y ]
>     then
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  ${x} is less than ${y}"
>       echo "  "
>     else
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  ${x} is not less than ${y}"
>       echo "  "
> fi 

  3 is not less than 2

It is also possible to create compound conditional statements by using one or more else if (elif) clauses.  If the first condition is false, then subsequent elif statements are checked.  When an elif condition is found to be true, the statements following the associated then statement are executed. 

If the first condition and subsequent elif conditions are false, statements following the else statement, if present, are executed.  The following script shows an example of compound conditional if statements.

$ x=5
$ y=5
$ if [ $x -lt $y ]
>     then
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  ${x} is less than ${y}"
>       echo "  "
>     elif [ $x -eq $y ]
>       then
>         echo "  "
>         echo "  ${x} is equal to ${y}"
>         echo "  "
>     else
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  ${x} is greater than ${y}"
>       echo "  "
> fi 

  5 is equal to 5

Now we'll run the exact same script but with different values for x and y so we can test for another result.

$ x=5
$ y=3
$ if [ $x -lt $y ]
>     then
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  ${x} is less than ${y}"
>       echo "  "
>     elif [ $x -eq $y ]
>       then
>         echo "  "
>         echo "  ${x} is equal to ${y}"
>         echo "  "
>     else
>       echo "  "
>       echo "  ${x} is greater than ${y}"
>       echo "  "
> fi 

  5 is greater than 3

In the example above, -lt was as an operator to check for a ?less than? condition, and -eq was used to check for an ?equal? condition.  Table 8.3 below contains a list of operators available for use when evaluating conditional statements:



Mathematical Equivalent


equal to

x == y


greater than or equal to

x >= y


greater than

x > y


less than or equal to

x <= y


less than

x < y


not equal to

x != y

Table 8.3: Operators available for conditional statements and their meanings

Next we will look at how we can use test to check for even more conditions.

Using the test Command or [ expression ]

Either the test command or just an expression in square brackets ( [ expression ]) can be used to evaluate whether an expression is true (zero) or false (non-zero).  As the following example illustrates, an expression evaluation can be accomplished in a number of different ways.

$ x=3
$ y=7
$ test $x -lt $y && echo " Option 1 --  ${x} is less than ${y} "
 Option 1 --  3 is less than 7
$ if test $x -lt $y
>  then
>    echo " Option 2 --  ${x} is less than ${y} "
> fi
 Option 2 --  3 is less than 7
$ if [ $x -lt $y ]
>  then
>    echo " Option 3 --  ${x} is less than ${y} "
> fi
 Option 3 --  3 is less than 7

The three conditional statements above all test for the exact same condition.  In the first one, && is used to execute the echo command if, and only if the exit status of the test command is 0.

The information in Table 8.4 below extracted from the Linux man page for test shows some of the other conditions we can test for.  The information summarizes the different types of tests that can be performed on files:




file exists and is block special


file exists and is character special


file exists and is a directory


file exists


file exists and is a regular file


file exists and is set-group-ID


file exists and is owned by the effective group ID


file exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L


file exists and has its sticky bit set


file exists and is a symbolic link (same as -h)


file exists and is owned by the effective user ID


file exists and is a named pipe


file exists and is readable


file exists and is a socket


file exists and has a size greater than zero


file descriptor FD (stdout by default) is opened on a terminal


file exists and its set-user-ID bit is set


file exists and is writable


file exists and is executable


file1 is newer (modification date) than file2


file1 is older than file2


file1 and file2 have the same device and inode numbers

Table 8.4: Linux tests and their descriptions

This type of test can be useful to check if your script relies on a certain file being around or writable for things to work right.  The following are file test examples:

$ if [ -e ".bash_profile" ]
> then
>   echo " The file exists "
> else
>   echo " File not found "
> fi
 The file exists

$ if [ -e ".bash_proxxx" ]

> then
>   echo " The file exists "
> else
>   echo " File not found "
> fi
 File not found

There are even more things we can test for when it comes to comparing strings.  Table 8.5 contains string tests and their descriptions.




the strings are not equal


the strings are equal


evaluates to the length of the string


the length of string is nonzero


the length of string is zero

Table 8.5: String tests and descriptions

The following examples illustrate one use of the string test.

$ if [ -n "" ]
> then
>   echo " The string contains characters"
> else
>   echo " The string is empty "
> fi
 The string is empty

$ if [ -n "ABC  123" ]
> then
>   echo " The string contains characters"
> else
>   echo " The string is empty "
> fi
 The string contains characters

Any of these simple test conditions can be evaluated individually or combined with other conditions to evaluate complex expressions.  Table 8.6 contains the connectives for test and their descriptions.




expression is false


both expression1 and expression2 are true (logical and)


either expression1 or expression2 is true (logical or)

Table 8.6: Connectives and their descriptions

Here is how we could use the or connective to check two separate conditions:

$ a="abc"
$ b="abc"
$ if [ "$a" = "xyz" -o "$a" = "$b" ]
>   then
> echo "  One of the conditions is true "
>   else
> echo "  Neither condition is true "
> fi
  One of the conditions is true
$ a="abc"
$ b="xyz"
$ if [ "$a" = "xyz" -o "$a" = "$b" ]
>   then
> echo "  One of the conditions is true "
>   else
> echo "  Neither condition is true "
> fi
  Neither condition is true

Complex conditions can be used to evaluate several factors and react to certain conditions on the system or in the shell script.  Next we'll see how these conditions can be used within loops to repeat an action.


A loop provides a way to execute commands repeatedly until a condition is satisfied.  The bash shell provides several looping methods but we'll focus on the for loop and the while loop.

for loop

The for loop executes the commands placed between the do and done statements until all values in the value list passed to it have been processed.  Here is a simple example of the for loop:

$ animals="dog cat bird mouse"
$ for animal in $animals
> do
>   echo $animal
> done

As we can see here, we did not have to tell the for loop how many times to repeat.  It just took the input and repeated it for the number of separate items in the variable $animals.  It is easy to see how we might use this to parse over a list of filenames from the user.

This is an excerpt from "Easy Linux Commands" by Linux guru Jon Emmons.  You can purchase it for only $19.95 (30%-off) at this link.



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