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Just for Fun. . .
Watch out for knock-off movies

Don Burleson


Last week a friend suggested that we go get a video of the latest Star Wars movie, "Revenge of the Sith".

Now, I'm no great science-fiction fan, but I did know that the movie had not yet been released except for  one of those "special screenings" where you wait in line for days.

"But it's not in the theaters yet", I replied, hoping to get off-the-hook.

"Don't you computer guys know anything?" he said?  "You can get movies before they are released if you know where to find them.  Let's go".

So, off we trudged into Chinatown where, right off of Mott and Canal there was a vendor with Revenge of the Sith for-sale.

"Amazing", I replied, impressed at his scrounging skills.  He paid $20 cash for the tape and off we went to his apartment to screen the latest epic. 

When he started the tape, Janet and I almost wet our pants!  The screen was wavy and we saw the outlines of heads at the bottom of the screen . . . like this.

That's when the Sith hit the fan. 

"What the heck?" Janet laughed,  "It looks like somebody taped it in the theater!"

As the movie progressed, we howled when the cameraman sneezed and the screen shook, and we got a play-by-play of every sniffle and cough inside the crowded theater.

Quality aside, I couldn't put my finger on-it, but here was something not quite right about this flick.


The movie had the same-old cast of characters, but Princess Leia was definitely showing her age.  I also wondered about the quality of the new productions as the characters looks strangely familiar to me.  That's what happens when they go 20 years between sequels.


It was just more of the same old-stuff, and the same old villains.  I knew it was a knock-off, but there was still something suspicious about the movie and I can't put my finger on it, but I'm sure that it will come to me. . .



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