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Finding Oracle materialized view opportunities

Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson

Oracle says that a well defined set of materialized views can service can be made to cover a whole schema, but that's easier said than done.  I know about the SQLTuning Advisor, but I'm always looking for a techniques to find all opportunities for materialized views.  Also see my notes now how to identify opportunities for Materialized Views.

Materialized views are one of the single most important SQL tuning tools and they are a true silver bullet, allowing you to pre-join complex views and pre-compute summaries for super-fast response time.  I've devoted over a hundred pages to SQL tuning with materialized views in my book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", and also see "Oracle Replication" a deeply-technical book on creating and managing materialized views.

Let's divide this up to sections

Automating materialized view creation

Today we have the 10g SQL Tuning advisor, which recommends materialized view opportunities, but its major shortcoming is that it only uses a "set" of problematic SQL, supplied by the DBA.  The 10g SQLTuning advisor does a decent job identifying MV's, and even our most sophisticated scripts often miss opportunities. The decision rules are far too complex to easily quantify. 

A program to detect MV opportunities at the workload-level would be a major software engineering challenge, as large as many artificial intelligence projects.  The scope of such a program would be massive as it would have to consider millions of distinct SQL requests over the baseline period.

The materialized view workload duration and cohorts

An appropriate workload for an MV's should acknowledge your repeating "cycles" in processing.  For example, many shops run OLTP during the day, processing fully-indexed rows.  However, on weekends they run giant batch jobs to collect and aggregate business reports.  Some shops drop and re-create materialized views manually (using the dbms_mview package) for several reasons:

       - The DML-rate is too high to support real-time materialization, or

      - The data is only needed during specific time windows

Every workload is different, and given the high overhead of keeping materialized views synchronized with their component tables (Oracle uses snapshot replication to keep the materializations fresh), we must carefully choose a representative workload, and take a single, deep sample size, covering many weeks of processing.

The factors involved in the decision to create a materialized view

As a quick review, the benefit of a Materialized View is its ability to pre-join tables together (a real-time denormalization technique!), and to pre-summarize frequently-requested analytics (frequent SQL with min(), max(), sum(), rollup, etc.).  An automated program to detect Materialized View opportunities must perform these steps:

  1. Collection - Determine your universe of SQL statements
  2. Assimilation - Examine the v$sql table for new statements every nn seconds
  3. Recommendation - Recommend MV contents based on empirical workload evidence

But we must also address the all-important question of stale tolerance for materialized views.

How stale can you take it?

The term "Stale" has a different meaning in TV show like Fear Factor, but to Oracle, it is a super-important consideration.   The instant that a materialized view is created, it may become "stale".  The concept of stale tolerance is central to the decision to create a materialized view, since low-volume updates are ideas, and real-time refreshing of materialized view in a busy system can cause giant bottlenecks.  Always remember:


I do this in all-caps because a good DBA will NEVER allow stale data without the explicit understanding of the end-users.  Getting "wrong" data is a capital offense to an Oracle DBA, but we don't mind providing the illusions of instantaneous response time so long as the end-user CLEARLY understand that their data is only "fresh" to the last day (or whatever degree of staleness you desire).

The problem is the overhead of synchronizing the materializations, and end-users often don't know how "fresh" they need to keep their MV's.  For example, a shop doing Oracle Business Analytics shop.

It's always nice to err on the side of a frequent refresh, but we must always remember that the "magic" of MV's is the fact that they are built from pieces of other tables!  Each and every table that participates in the MV will have a snapshot table to maintain (called snap$tablename in the data dictionary), the the overhead of a ON COMMIT or FAST refresh can cripple the I/O subsystem as hundreds of refresh requests implode the engine.

So, how to we ensure that our end-users get data with the freshness they need, without risking "bad" results from stale tables?

Now that we understand that the refresh overhead is huge, we need to guide our end-users through the decision process.  The end-user question can be put quite simply:

"I can make your 5 minute OLAP query run with sub-second response time, if it's OK that the data is only current to yesterday"

Is it a difference that makes a difference?

Say that your end-users are doing monthly longitudinal studies.  It is highly unlikely that today's "latest" data would make any difference in the validity of their statistical results. 

Once your end-user agrees to allow stale data, always "CYA" and ask the developer to display a warning on the end-user screen like "This data is only current as-of yesterday", and you get to enjoy the 24x lower overhead of a single nightly refresh, rather then 24 expensive hourly refreshes.

In sum, try to talk the end-user into make the trade for lightening-fast response time in-return for allowing staleness. If the MV has to be rebuilt every 5 minutes to support a query that runs every 10 minutes, you get far less benefit than if an MV is rebuilt daily. Of course, they end-users must understand the tradeoff between super-fast response time and "stale" results. 

John  Garmany notes:

In replication the Materialized view is normally on a different server and the refresh is executed by the remote database rather than the local database.  This leaves you with a scheduled job (refresh group) as the remote server does not know when data is committed on the local server.  If you are replicating inside the database, that is a different issue and you can look at ON COMMIT refresh.  Likewise, on a medium or high transaction table, ON COMMIT refresh can bring the database to it' knees, negating any benefit of an Materialized view or a normal view. Still, in the case of a local database replication, you can grant rights on the actual table and reduce the over head of the Materialized view completely if that fits you requirements.

As replication continues to improve, the use of rowids is going away in all but the most simple implementations.  When any replication uses rowid, there is a requirement to match the row to the remote site. Since both the local and remote database are using heap organized tables, rowids may not match, sometimes forcing FULL refresh rather than FAST refresh. Advanced Replication all but requires the use of PKs on the replicated tables.  This way both databases (local and remote) know exactly which row to update, delete, etc. If you are considering replication, you need to ensure that tables have PKs.

If you like Oracle tuning, see the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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