Many developers want to make fully documented custom error messages in their PL/SQL applications.

Best of all, you can fully integrate the error messages the same as any other ORA-xxxx message. 

But how do we document a new error and make it work with the oerr utility?

Adding custom Oracle error messages is not difficult.  Any PL/SQL programmers know that they can create any custom ZZZ-1234 error number to be returned by their code.
You can use utl_file.put_line to write anything you want into the alert log, and you can use this same approach to write customized error messages. 

For example, here we write a ZZZ-1234 custom error message to the Oracle alert log:

-- ******************************************************
-- Write a message to the alert log!!!
-- ******************************************************
alter system set utl_file_dir = ‘:alert_loc’);
dbms_output.put_line('ZZZ-1234  This guy has bad credit');
But writing s custom alert message is only half the story, you must also document the error cause and error action within the Oracle error message utility (oerr).

Read the full article and see how to integrate your own error message directly inside the Oracle siftware:


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