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Oracle BDP tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson

Question:  I have seen your great notes on Oracle network tuning and I saw this notes on recv_buf_size and send_buf_size in the sqlnet.ora file:

 If you are tuning your network to maximize throughput (as opposed to tuning for fast response time), Oracle suggests setting recv_buf_size and send_buf_size sqlnet.ora parameters equal to 3 times the Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP).

What is this BDP, and how do I compute the BDP for maximum network throughput?

Answer:  The Oracle TNS has limited ability to influence the underlying TCP/IP network settings, but there are a few things that you can do to optimizer your Oracle*Net configuration. See these other tips for network tuning.

The bandwidth network product (BDP) starts with the output from a ping command, issued at your Linux/UNIX or DOS command line prompt::

# ping 123.45.6789

reply from 123.45.6789, bytes 32, time 5ms
reply from 123.45.6789, bytes 32, time 7ms
reply from 123.45.6789, bytes 32, time 2ms
reply from 123.45.6789, bytes 32, time 8ms

They call the BDP a "product" because the value for BDP is indeed a multiplication of the average round-trip time and the total bandwidth of the network cable.

For example, if a network has a bandwidth of 100 megabytes per second and a round trip time of 5 milliseconds, the recv_buf_size and send_buf_size sqlnet.ora parameters values should be set to a value of at least 63k:

 (100X106) * (5X10-3) bits ~= 63k:.

100,000,000 bits   1 byte   5 seconds
---------------- x ------ x --------- = 62,500 bytes
 1 second          8 bits     1000

To prevent network contention, the values for recv_buf_size and send_buf_size should be set to the maximum amount of data that might be sent, at least 3x the value of your bandwidth delay product (BDP). 

Also see these important notes for optimizing send_buf_size and recv_buf_size.





Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.




Burleson is the American Team

Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals. 

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