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Practical Multidimensional Oracle Databases

© 2007-2016 by Burleson Corporation

This course is taught at your Company site with up to 20 students. 

Click here for on-site course prices



Key Features

* Learn online analytical processing (OLAP), data warehousing and data mining.

* Understand SQL for multidimensional databases.

* Construct a data model.

* See Oracle Multidimension (IRI’s "Express").


Course Description

At last, a concise and understandable course to learn about multidimensional databases and OLAP without all of the theoretical jargon and double-talk. This seminar teaches you about multidimensional databases from the ground-up. Using real-world examples, and in-class exercises, the student builds a firm foundation that can be applied to any data warehouse project, regardless of the complexity. This course is indispensable for anyone faced with the challenge of using a multidimensional database for data warehousing, data mining, or Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).

What's Happening?

Today more than ever, the IS professional is expected to provide platforms for analytical processing of large databases. While academia mires in their theories of data warehousing, the working professional must struggle with the real-world application of data warehousing, and create systems that can be directly translated into working warehouse and OLAP databases.

Today's IS professional must insure that they are empowered with the skills to quickly identify and focus on the salient features of this exciting new technology. This seminar is indispensable for showing how this new paradigm fits into the traditional areas of decision support.

What You Will Learn

This seminar will introduce the basic concepts of multidimensional databases and provide a strong foundation for understanding the plethora of vendors offerings.

What Makes this Seminar Unique?

Unlike other "overview" seminars, this session explains a complex and difficult subject in plain English. In addition to being a practicing academic, the instructor is a seasoned DBA who has struggled firsthand with this new technology.

Included in the Seminar

A one-day intensive approach that insures a complete understanding of data warehousing, multidimensional database theory and OLAP.

Book Required

  • N/A


This seminar is indispensable for any IS professional who is charged with creating and implementing data warehouses, OLAP systems, and system that require multidimensional database tools.

Curriculum Design

This course was designed by Donald K. Burleson, an acknowledged leader in Oracle database administration.  Burleson was chosen by Oracle Press to write five texts, including the authorized edition of Oracle High-Performance SQL tuning.  Burleson Corporation instructors offer decades of real world DBA experience in Oracle features, and they will share their Oracle secrets in this intense Oracle MDB training.


Multidimensional Database Overview

Don Burleson

(c) 2007-2016 by Don Burleson


Unlike other theoretical courses on data warehousing, this course emphasizes the pragmatic application of real-world techniques. Through numerous in-class exercises, the attendees will understand the overall architectures of multidimensional databases understand how to predict the ramifications of using specific vendor products. The course also covers the issues involved in designing a enterprise-wide data warehouse and how to effectively manage data redundancy in a distributed environment.

This course has been specifically designed to be a practical, way to learn about multidimensional databases, data warehousing and OLAP applications.

It is indispensable for database professionals who want to objectively explore how to leverage their investment in this exciting new technology.


9:00 - 10:15 Introduction

Historical overview of decision support systems.

General concepts review

Multidimensional theory.

Transforming dimensions

Levels of aggregation

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-11:45 Uses for multidimensional databases

Online analytical processing (OLAP), data warehousing,

data mining

11:45-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:15 Accessing the multi-dimensional database

4 GL tools

scripting languages

SQL for multidimensional databases

STAR queries

drill-down techniques

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:45 Modeling and design issues.

Time series analysis

Constructing a data model

3:45-4:00 Break

4:00-5:00 Review of major product offerings

Oracle Multidimension (IRI’s "Express")

Red Brick Warehouse


Forest & Trees (Trizinic)

DSS agent (Microstrategy)

Metacube (Stanford Technology)


Burleson is the American Team

Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

Verify experience! Anyone considering using the services of an Oracle support expert should independently investigate their credentials and experience, and not rely on advertisements and self-proclaimed expertise. All legitimate Oracle experts publish their Oracle qualifications.

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Burleson Consulting

The Oracle of Database Support

Oracle Performance Tuning

Remote DBA Services


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