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extract generate table DDL tips

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

July 11, 2015

Oracle professionals must frequently "punch," or extract, table and index definitions from Oracle and move them to different systems. Extracting Data Definition Language (DDL) for Oracle schema objects (e.g., tables, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, sequences, etc.) from the dictionary is very useful when you're migrating a system to a new platform and you want to pre-create the objects in a new tablespace.

Generally, in an Oracle migration, the schema and DDL are created in the target database, and then the rows are imported into the new database using the Oracle imp utility with the IGNORE=Y parameter. The IGNORE=Y parameters tells Oracle to use the new DDL definitions instead of the DDL inside the import data file.

Prior to Oracle9i, getting table and index DDL was a time-consuming and tricky process. You could run the export utility (exp) with ROWS=NO, but the output was hard to reuse because of quoted strings on each line and poor formatting. The only other option was to write complex dictionary scripts that might not work on complex objects such as IOT and nested tables.

After Oracle9i, you can use the dbms_metadata utility package will easily display DDL and stored procedures directly from the data dictionary. Using this powerful utility, you can punch individual objects or an entire Oracle schema. Best of all, it is easy to use. You simply execute dbms_metadata.get_ddl, specify the object names, and Oracle will extract ready-to-use DDL.

To punch off all table and indexes for the EMP table, execute dbms_metadata. get_ddl, select from DUAL, and provide all required parameters as shown in Listing A:

Listing A:

set heading off;
 set echo off;
 Set pages 999;
 set long 90000;
spool ddl_list.sql
 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','DEPT','SCOTT') from dual;
 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX','DEPT_IDX','SCOTT') from dual;
 spool off;

The output is shown below.

The only thing missing is the ending semicolons after each statement. Just for illustration, I'm showing how a primary key can be punched as part of the table DDL or separately using the INDEX argument.

Note that you have complete table and index definitions, including storage parameters (e.g., pctfree, pctused, freelists, and freelist groups) as well as tablespace storage and buffer pool directives.

For large migrations, you can modify the dbms_metadata syntax to punch a whole schema. As you can see in Listing C, it is easily done by selecting dbms_metadata. get_ddl and specifying USER_TABLES and USER_INDEXES. This syntax will punch all table and index definitions for the entire schema, in this example, the scott schema.

Listing C:

set pagesize 0

 set long 90000

 set feedback off

 set echo off
 spool scott_schema.sql
 connect scott/tiger;
 spool off;

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Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.



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