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Load Balancing of Server Tasks

Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson

When CPU overload is experienced, the DBA will generally see periods during the days when the run queue gets quite long and other periods at night when the processors are mostly idle (Figure 6-3). A common question asked by a systems administrator is, 'the CPU is 40 percent idle for 16 hours a day, so why should we add more processors??

Figure 6-30: Average Oracle server run queue values before task load balancing

However, there are times when it makes sense to add more processors, even if the processors are idle during off-peak times. For example, if you are working in an online environment, the only response time that matters is the time between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. when your online users are active. The fact that the server is largely idle during the middle of the night has no bearing on the decision to upgrade with additional CPUs.

Once we identify the times when the CPU activity is excessive, we need to go to STATSPACK and examine the activity at the times of the overload. Once we have identified the times when the processors are overloaded, we must then see if it is possible to reschedule batch tasks to run at off-peak hours. On an Oracle database server, tasks may be scheduled in many ways:

  • The dbms_job utility

  • The UNIX cron utility

  • A TP monitor such as Tuxedo

  • Oracle Concurrent Manager (for Oracle Applications)

  • SAPGUI if we are running SAP

Regardless of the method of scheduling Oracle tasks, the idea is to find large batch tasks that may be scheduled during peak processing times. From the graph in Figure 6-2, we see that the CPU overloads peak at 10:00 a.m. and again at 3:00 p.m. Our task is to find a large regularly scheduled SQL task that runs during these times.

STATSPACK Solutions for Finding High-Impact Tasks

Within STATSPACK, we can examine the stats$sql_summary table, looking for SQL statements that are executed during the peak hours. The high-impact tasks will generally be associated with SQL statements that have a high value for rows processed. Here is an easy STATSPACK table query to find the SQL:


L 6-8

set lines 80;
set pages 999;
set heading off;

   to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24'),
   stats$sql_summary a,
   stats$snapshot    sn
   a.snap_id = sn.snap_id
   to_char(snap_time,'hh24') = 10
   to_char(snap_time,'hh24') = 15
order by
   rows_processed desc;

Here is a sample of the output from this report, showing the beginning of all SQL statements, ordered in descending order of rows_processed. This tells the DBA which SQL statements are causing the most I/O resources.

L 6-9

Yr.  Mo dy Hr SQL_TEXT
------------- -------------------------------------------------
2001-09-20 10 begin :retCode := toc_maint . toc_insert_entry ( :
2001-09-20 10 begin :retCode := toc_maint . toc_insert_entry ( :
2001-09-21 10 select 'ALTER ' || substr(object_type,1,20) || ' '
2001-09-21 10 DECLARE job BINARY_INTEGER := :job; next_date DATE
2001-09-21 10 DECLARE job BINARY_INTEGER := :job; next_date DATE
2001-09-21 10 DECLARE job BINARY_INTEGER := :job; next_date DATE
2001-09-20 15 begin pageimages_curs . page_get_image ( :myisbn:i
2001-09-20 15 BEGIN sys.dbms_ijob.remove(:job); END;
2001-09-20 15 begin pageimages_curs . page_get_image ( :myisbn:i
2001-09-20 15 BEGIN sys.dbms_ijob.remove(:job); END;

If we are diligent, we can locate the online or batch SQL tasks that are overwhelming the server. Once we reschedule the offending tasks to run during off-peak hours, our average run queue for the server falls below the number of CPUs, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-31: Average Oracle server run queue values after task load balancing

Of course, load balancing Oracle tasks is often not as trivial as it might appear. The Oracle DBA generally has no control over when members of the end-user community submit batch-oriented work against the Oracle database. Unless you are using scheduling tools such as Oracle's Concurrent Manager, the end users are free to submit large resource-intensive reports against Oracle anytime they feel like it. In shops where end users generate ad hoc SQL statements, there are three Oracle features that can govern end-user query resources:

  • The dbms_resource_manager PL/SQL package can be used to govern end-user resources. In the following example, dbms_resource_manager is called to assign CPU, SQL plan, and Parallel Query options for the ADHOC_Group of end users:

    SQL> execute dbms_resource_manager.update_plan_directive(
              plan => 'SINGLE_LEVEL_PLAN',
              group_or_subplan => 'ADHOC_Group',
              new_comment => 'ADHOC day users sessions at level 1',
              new_cpu_p1 => 10,
              new_parallel_degree_limit_p1 => 0);

  • Oracle Applications systems have a profile feature to restrict ad hoc queries. For ad hoc users, their Oracle user ID is associated with a group, and the group is linked to a profile that governs the amount of server resources the end users are allowed to use.

  • SQL*Plus profiles are for end users who execute queries from SQL*Plus.
    The product_user_profile table can be used to restrict access.

Hence, it is up to the Oracle professional to become a detective, and hunt through the library cache in order to see when high-resource statements are being added to the Oracle system. We will discuss the techniques for hunting for SQL in the library cache in Chapter 11.

The stats$sql_summary table is one STATSPACK table that has a great deal of information to help you find offending SQL statements. SQL statements within the stats$sql_summary table can be sorted according to a number of resource utilization metrics, including rows processed, buffer gets, disk reads, and executions.

In Chapter 11, we will also introduce a revolutionary script called access.sql that will allow you to automatically fish SQL from the library cache and produce meaningful reports showing the activity of all of the SQL statements in your system.

Even though Oracle developers write most SQL, it is still the duty of the Oracle DBA to monitor the behavior of the SQL within the system in order to determine those SQL statements that are creating excessive load upon the server processor. The Oracle DBA must also load balance those intensive SQL statements by requiring the end users to submit them during less active times.

This next section will discuss a very short-term technique that can be used in order to remedy sporadic CPU overload at times when an upgrade to the CPUs or load balancing is not possible. Using nice to change the dispatching priorities of Oracle tasks is a last-resort measure, and should only be undertaken in extreme circumstances when it is critical to keep the system running until more resources are available.


This is an excerpt from "Oracle9i High Performance tuning with STATSPACK" by Oracle Press.

If you like Oracle tuning, you may enjoy the new book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", over 900 pages of BC's favorite tuning tips & scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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