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Display SQL Server log errors

SQL Server Tips by Donald Burleson

This is one of the many SQL Server Windows scripts to display errors from the logs, from the book "High Performance SQL Server DBA".

 See code depot for full script

Sometimes error counts and analysis of log errors is not enough.  Perhaps an informational event that affected performance repetitively occurred in the logs for a particular day that was missed.  A good way of finding these cyclical, repetitive log events is by doing a daily volume analysis over the log to see if any day exploded with messages compared to the others.  The following procedure, up_bn_log_daily_volume , will break down message volume by day so one can easily see all log errors:  

IF OBJECT_ID('up_bn_log_daily_volumes') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE up_bn_log_daily_volumes
    IF OBJECT_ID('up_bn_log_daily_volumes') IS NOT NULL
        PRINT '<<< FAILED DROPPING PROCEDURE up_bn_log_daily_volumes >>>'
        PRINT '<<< DROPPED PROCEDURE up_bn_log_daily_volumes >>>'
CREATE PROCEDURE up_bn_log_daily_volumes
(@LogNumber smallint = 0, -- 0 is the current error log
 @ErrorsOnly bit = 0)
    DECLARE @DateLimit    datetime,
            @SQLStatement varchar(60)

    set nocount on
    set ARITHABORT off
    set ARITHIGNORE on
    set ANSI_WARNINGS off
    -- Error Log Information
    SELECT @SQLStatement = 'EXEC master..xp_readerrorlog'
    IF @LogNumber > 0
     SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' ' + LTRIM(STR(@LogNumber))

    CREATE TABLE #errorlog (ErrorText varchar(255), ContinuationRow int)

    -- Remove entries that begin with a tab or are less then 35 characters in length - not date format.
        OR LEN(ErrorText) < 35
        OR isdate(SUBSTRING(ErrorText,1,10)) = 0

    -- Do only errors if requested
    IF @ErrorsOnly = 1
          FROM #errorlog
        WHERE NOT  (ErrorText LIKE '% error%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%failed%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%table corrupt%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%level 16%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%level 17%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%level 21%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%Severity: 16%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%Severity: 17%' OR
                    ErrorText LIKE '%Severity: 21%') AND
                    ErrorText NOT LIKE '%DBCC CHECKALLOC%0 errors%' AND
                    ErrorText NOT LIKE '%DBCC CHECKTABLE
%0 errors%'
-- display daily volume analysis
        top 5 day = substring(ErrorText,1,10),
        message_count = sum(isdate(substring(ErrorText,1,10)))

See code depot for full script

IF OBJECT_ID('up_bn_log_daily_volumes') IS NOT NULL
    PRINT '<<< CREATED PROCEDURE up_bn_log_daily_volumes >>>'
    PRINT '<<< FAILED CREATING PROCEDURE up_bn_log_daily_volumes >>>'
GRANT EXECUTE ON up_bn_log_daily_volumes TO public

This is one of the many SQL Server scripts to display error log statistics from the book "High Performance SQL Server DBA".



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