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PL/SQL Cursor Tips

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonFebruary 13, 2015

Question:  I need assistance understanding how to use a cursor in PL/SQL.  Can you show examples of PL/SQL cursor usage?

Answer:  PL/SQL cursors are a way to do a row-by-row processing of Oracle tables.  There are several types of PL/SQL cursors:

  • Implicit PL/SQL cursors
  • Explicit PL/SQL cursors
  • PL/SQL ref cursors

A PL/SQL cursor is used to retrieve and process zero or more rows of data.  There are a number of steps to use a cursor and depending on how you implement the cursor, you can control each step or have the database perform them.  A PL/SQL cursor is based on a SELECT statement, normally declared in the declaration section of a PL/SQL block.  The statement is not restricted as to the columns retrieved or number of tables joined. 

Any valid SQL statement can be used to implement a PL/SQL cursor.  Cursors are used to retrieve and process data.  There is no cursor for inserts, updates or deletes.  In the following set of examples we will step through the process of defining and using cursors.  In the example function my_func, a cursor named c1 is defined in the function's declaration section.

create or replace function my_func
  return number

  cursor c1 is
    select store_name, sum(quantity) qty
    from store join sales using (store_key)
    group by store_name;

In this example, the cursor c1 joins the store and sales tables.  Since we are going place the rows in a record, the column sum(quantity) must be aliased to a valid column name.  If all the columns are going to be returned, you can use the SELECT * clause like this:

cursor c2 is select * from author;

Normally a cursor definition determines what data will be retrieved by the cursor.  However, sometime a cursor is defined as a variable that can return different columns based on how it is later used.  These cursors can include the RETURNING clauseto define the columns that the cursor will return.

cursor c3 returning book%rowtype;

Using cursors with a RETURNING clausewill be discussed further in the discussions of REF CURSORS. 

Once declared, the PL/SQL cursor can be used in your code.  To use a cursor you must first open it.  When a cursor is opened, the SQL statement is executed and the table rows involved in the query is identified by the database.  The database's consistent view mechanism will ensure that all data retrieved by the cursor is consistent as of the moment the cursor is opened.  The database will maintain this consistent view until the cursor is closed.  For this reason, it is important to close the cursor as soon as processing permits. 

open c1;

A cursor must be closed to release the database resources it is holding.  As long as the cursor is open, the database must maintain the consistent view.

close c1;

Once the cursor is closed, it again becomes a definition.  One important note is that exceptions thrown while processing a cursor can jump pass the CLOSE statement.  It is important to ensure that the cursor is closed in the exception handling routine if exceptions are raised. 

If you attempt to open a cursor that is already open, the cursor will raise an exception.  Likewise, if you attempt to close a cursor that is not open, the cursor will raise an exception.  Since you need to insure that the cursor is closed, use the cursor attribute %isopen to test the cursor's state before attempting to close the cursor.  Below is a code fragment of an exception handler that tests a cursor's state and closes the cursor if open.  We will discuss all of the cursor attributes in the next section.

  when others then
    if c1%isopen then close c1;
    end if;

The exception handler tests the cursor's state before closing it.

When a PL/SQL cursor is opened, the rows of data are not retrieved by the database.  The actual rows must be retrieved, one at a time using the FETCH clause.  Before you can fetch a row, you must create a variable to hold the returned data. 

As with the SELECT INTOquery, there are two options for defining these variables: separate variables for each returned column, or use a record based on the cursor row %type.  Using the example cursor c1 defined earlier, the first example defines separate variables for each column.

cursor c1 is
      sum(quantity) qty
      sales using (store_key)
    group by

st_name store.store_name%type;
total   number; 

  open c1;
  fetch c1 into st_name, total;

The cursor fetch returns two values and they are placed in the defined variables.  As with the SELECT INTOquery, the order of the columns and the list of variables in your PL/SQL code must match.  If the cursor returns a large number of values or if the number of values may change, it is better to create the variable as a cursor %rowtype.

cursor c1 is
      sum(quantity) qty
      sales using (store_key)
    group by

r_c1 c1%rowtype; 

  open c1;
  fetch c1 into r_c1;

Each time a fetch is executed the next row of data is returned.  Cursor rows are accessed in the order that they are returned.  If you require data from a row that has already been processed, you must close the cursor, reopen it and reprocess the data to the required row. 

When the last row is fetched, all subsequent fetches will return the last row.  We need a way to get information about the cursor state so that we can determine when the last row has been fetched.  Oracle provides cursor attributes to allow you to determine the cursor's state.

A cursor requires a set of steps in order to be used.  These steps are as follows:

1.         Define the cursor

2.    Open the cursor

3.    Process all the rows in a loop

  1.  Fetch a row

  2. Check that a new row was returned

  3. Process the row, return to set 4

  4. End the loop

      4.   Close the cursor

The cursor is defined in the declaration section of the PL/SQL block.  We will see later that some cursors can also be defined in the procedural code.  The cursor is then opened, which causes the database to establish a consistent view.  Normally in a loop, the rows are then fetched into a variable or record.  In PL/SQL, you normally will test to ensure that new rows were returned by the fetch before processing the row.  If a new row was not returned, the loop is terminated.  Once all the rows have been processed, the cursor is closed to release all the cursor's database resources.  The next example demonstrates each step in using a cursor.

SQL> create or replace function max_store
  2    return varchar2
  3  as
  4    cursor c1 is
  5      select
  6        store_name, sum(quantity) qty
  7      from store join sales using (store_key)
  8      group by store_name;
 10    r_c1 c1%rowtype;
 11    largest number := 0;
 12    lg_name store.store_name%type;
 13  begin
 14    open c1;
 15    loop
 16      fetch c1 into r_c1;
 17      exit when c1%notfound;
 18      if r_c1.qty > largest then
 19         largest := r_c1.qty;
 20         lg_name := r_c1.store_name;
 21      end if;
 22    end loop;
 23    close c1;
 25    return ('Highest Sales is: '||
 26             lg_name||'   '||largest);
 27  end;
 28  / 

Function created.

SQL> select max_store from dual;

Highest Sales is: hot wet and sexy books   24700

The cursor c1 is defined on lines 4 through 8.  Line 10 defines a record to hold a row of fetched data.  To ensure robustness in the function, the record is defined as a c1%rowtype.  As with table %rowtype, the record will contain each of the columns in the cursor definition, and they will be the same datatype as the underlying columns in the database.  The cursor is opened on line 14. 

Once line 14 is executed, the database will maintain a consistent view for the entire life of the cursor.  Lines 15-22 define the loop that is used to process the rows.  Line 16 fetches a row of data and places it into the record variable r_c1.  Line 17 checks the %notfound attribute to ensure that a new row was fetched. 

If the fetch did not return a new row, then %notfound will be true and the loop will exit.  Lines 18-20 process the data in the record.  Once the loop exits (the fetch does not return a new row), line 23 closes the cursor, freeing all the database resources. 

The programmer can also use the while loop to process a cursor, but must insure that one fetch takes place before the condition test at the start of the loop.

SQL> declare
  2    cursor c2 is
  3      select initcap(author_last_name)
         from author;
  4  l_name author.author_last_name%type;
  5  begin
  6    open c2;
  7    fetch c2 into l_name;
  8    while c2%found loop
  9      dbms_output.put_line(l_name);
 10      fetch c2 into l_name;
 11    end loop;
 12    close c2;
 13  end;
 14  /




PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

In the above example, the cursor returns only one column and it is fetched into a variable rather than a record.  The variable is defined on line 4.  Line 7 executes the initial fetch.  This must happen before starting the while loop to initialize the c2%found attribute.  The WHILE loop will fetch a new row of data at the bottom of the loop on line 10 allowing the condition test to occur before processing the new row.

A cursor can be used to determine the average quantity of all the orders in the sales table.  Of course to find the average you can use the avg function but this example is demonstrating using the cursor %rowcount attribute.

SQL> declare
  2    cursor c3 is
  3      select quantity from sales;
  4    n_c3    number;  -- holds cursor value
  5    average number := 0;
  6    counter number := 0;
  7  begin
  8    open c3;
  9    loop
 10      fetch c3 into n_c3;
 11      exit when c3%notfound;
 12      average := average + n_c3;
 13    end loop;
 14    counter := c3%rowcount;
 15    close c3;
 16    dbms_output.put_line('Average Quantity = '||
 17                          average/counter);
 18  end;
 19  / 

Average Quantity = 1105.5

The average sales value is the sum of all the quantities in the sales table, divided by the number of orders (or rows).  The variable average was used to sum all the quantities.  Line 14 assigned the value of the cursor %rowcount attribute to the variable counter.  Notice that the assignment was executed before closing the cursor.  Once the cursor is closed, c3%rowcount becomes undefined. 

The previous examples have fetched into a cursor %rowtype  and into variables.  If the cursor returns multiple values, it can fetch them into multiple variables in the same manner as the SELECT INTO query.  In the example below, the cursor selects three columns into three variables.  The block lists the stores that have above average sales.  First it must find the average sales, then the code list the stores with sales above average.  Notice that the cursor is opened and processed twice.  As stated, to reprocess a cursor result set, it must be closed and reopened.

SQL> declare
  2    cursor c4 is
  3      select store_name, store_key,
           sum(quantity) as qty
  4      from store join sales using (store_key)
  5      group by store_name, store_key;
  7    v_name  store.store_name%type;
  8    v_key   store.store_key%type;
  9    n_qty   number := 0;
 10    sumer   number := 0;
 11    average number := 0;
 12  begin
 13    open c4;
 14    loop
 15      fetch c4 into v_name, v_key, n_qty;
 16      exit when c4%notfound;
 17      sumer := sumer + n_qty;
 18    end loop;
 19    average := sumer/c4%rowcount;
 20    close c4;
 22    dbms_output.put_line(
             'Average Store Sales: '||average);
 23    open c4;
 24    loop
 25      fetch c4 into v_name, v_key, n_qty;
 26      exit when c4%notfound;
 27      if average < n_qty then
 28        dbms_output.put_line(initcap(v_name)||',  
 29                         '||v_key||', '||n_qty);
 30      end if;
 31    end loop;
 32    close c4;
 33  end; / 

Average Store Sales: 11055
Hot Wet And Sexy Books, S107, 24700
Eaton Books, S109, 12120
Wee Bee Books, S104, 13700
Borders, S102, 21860
Books For Dummies, S105, 13000

The cursor fetch placed the returned column values in the variables v_name, v_key, and n_qty.  The example opened, processed, and closed the cursor twice.  The first time, the only value used was qty and as such, the example cursor was poorly implemented.  A real cursor should never bring back unused data.  The code should have defined a second cursor that only returned the qty column.

Cursors can also be nested.  The example below uses two cursors to list authors and the books they have sold.

SQL> declare
  2    cursor c5 is
  3      select initcap(author_last_name) a_name,
  4        author_key
  5      from author;
  6    cursor c6 is
  7      select initcap(book_title) bk_title,
  8          sum(quantity) sales, author_key
  9      from
 10        book join sales using (book_key)
 11             join book_author using (book_key)
 12      group by initcap(book_title), author_key;
 13    r_c5 c5%rowtype;
 14    r_c6 c6%rowtype;
 15  begin
 16    open c5;
 17    loop
 18      fetch c5 into r_c5;
 19      exit when c5%notfound;
 20      dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||
 21      begin
 22        open c6;
 23        loop
 24          fetch c6 into r_c6;
 25          exit when c6%notfound;
 26    if r_c5.author_key = r_c6.author_key then
 27       dbms_output.put_line (r_c6.bk_title||
 28                             ', '||r_c6.sales);
 29          end if;
 30        end loop;
 31        close c6;
 32      end;
 33    end loop;
 34    close c5;
 35  end;
 36  / 

Windows Success, 18200

Windows Success, 18200
Pay No Taxes And Go To Jail, 16400
Oracle9i Sql Tuning, 1100 

Unix For Experts, 1400
Piano Greats, 16290
Reduce Spending The Republican Way, 2750 

… Results truncated for brevity 

The outer cursor (c5) is efficient, returning only those columns needed.  The inner cursor (c6) however brings back all the book information for all authors each time it is opened.  If the database contained thousands of books, this block would be very inefficient.  What is needed is a way to make the inner cursor (c6) return only those rows belonging to the specific author.  This can be achieved by passing the cursor a variable or parameter.


This chapter gives us a detailed explanation of all available cursor types in Oracle with numerous examples, facts, and tips through the below topics,


1.       Introduction to the cursor fundamentals, its execution cycle, and attributes.


2.       Implicit cursors and their different types.


3.       Explicit cursors, their different types, and the parameterized cursors.


4.       Reference cursors and their different types.


5.       Cursor Expressions as nested cursors and arguments.


6.       TO_REFCURSOR and TO_CURSOR_NUMBER APIs in the DBMS_SQL package.


7.       Implicit result sets in R12.1 explaining the RETURN_RESULT and GET_NEXT_RESULT APIs in the DBMS_SQL package.


8.       Restrictions in the reference cursors.

PL/SQL Cursor Fundamentals

The Oracle server allocates a chunk of private temporary workspace in the SGA called the context area for processing every single SQL statement encountered inside a PL/SQL block. This memory area holds the SQL query, its parsing information and the result set returned by the SQL query. The result set can then be processed either row by row or in bulk. As the context area is managed internally by the Oracle server, we do not have any control over it. The cursor can hold n number of rows, but can process only one row at a time. The record set held by the cursor is called as the active set.


Note: Cursors do not have a physical size as they are mere pointers to the memory area where the query results are stored.  The cursors are classified as Implicit cursors and Explicit cursors based on how manageable they are by the programmers.


The implicit cursors are created and managed by the Oracle server internally without the programmer intervention, whereas, on the other hand, the programmers are completely responsible for managing the complete execution cycle of the explicit cursors.

PL/SQL Cursor Execution Cycle

The cursor execution cycle is common for both the implicit and the explicit cursors, where it involves the stages that describe the processing of an SQL statement that is associated with the cursor. The execution cycle for the implicit cursors are taken care by the Oracle server itself, but in the case of explicit cursors, the programmers are fully responsible for implementing and controlling its execution cycle.


The execution cycle is mainly divided into three different stages and for the proper use of a cursor, all these steps have to be followed in their mentioned sequential order.


Related PL/SQL cursor articles:

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