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Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonFebruary 3, 2013

Question:  What are the DBGSQL statements within an RMAN output?  I have this RMAN output with a pair of DBGSQL statements embedded.  What does the DBGSQL statement mean in RMAN?

Answer:  The display of a DBGSQL statement often indicates an RMAN bug.  RMAN (Recovery Manager) contains a DataBase Gateway SQL (DBGSQL) interface for SQL statements that are issues with RMAN.  For example, here we see a DBGSQL statement, displaying a SQL statement and a SQLCODE, caused by a bug:

Recovery Manager: Release - Production

DBGSQL: TARGET> select count(*) into :dbstate from v$parameter where
lower(name) = '_dummy_instance' and upper(value) = 'TRUE'
DBGSQL: sqlcode = 1008
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
RMAN-06003: ORACLE error from target database:
ORA-01008: not all variables bound

This example refers to MOSC Bug # 10306699, titled: ORA-1008 DURING RMAN BACKUP AFTER UPGRADING TO

Note that the first DBGSQL statement is the "Target" showing the syntax of the SQL statement, while the second DBGSQL shows the associated SQLCODE returned from the SQL engine.

Here is another example, showing a DBGSQL with a SQLCODE 911 (deadlock condition, caused by MOSC bug # 9351175.

RMAN> duplicate target database to DB02
until time "to_date('2013-01-29_00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD_HH24:MI:SS')"
nofilenamecheck ;

DBGSQL: TARGET> select 2013-01-29_00:00:00 from sys.dual
DBGSQL: sqlcode = 911
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 02/01/2013 17:58:23
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

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Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

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