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Reporting Oracle chained row fetch data

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting
December 18, 2003


One important area of Oracle DBA work is tracking chained row fetches ('table fetch continued row' name in v$sysstat and stats$sysstat).  migrated/chained rows always cause double the I/O for a row fetch and the primary job of the Oracle tuning professional is to reduce disk I/O.  Also see:

As we know, we can get "table fetch continued row" (chained row fetch) when any of these conditions exist:

  • Raw long raw, BLOB or CLOB columns - These may manifest as chained row fetches if the avg_row_len > db_block_size.

  • Tables with > 255 columns - These are stored in 255 row-pieces, and show as migrated/chained rows.

  • PCTFREE too small - You did not allow enough room on the data block for the row to expand (via SQL Update statements), causing rows to chain onto adjacent blocks.

As we know, we can reduce migrated/chained rows by reorganizing the table with the dbms_redefinition utility or CTAS.  We can also reduce large-object related row chaining by moving the object into a tablespace with a 32k blocksize.

It is tempting to gather the "table fetch continued row" statistic from v$sysstat or stats$sysstat.  For example, consider this report.

column table_fetch_continued_row  format 999,999,999
   to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24'),
   perfstat.stats$sysstat oldmem,
   perfstat.stats$sysstat newmem,
   perfstat.stats$snapshot    sn
   snap_time > sysdate-&1
   newmem.snap_id = sn.snap_id
   oldmem.snap_id = sn.snap_id-1
and = 'table fetch continued row'
and = 'table fetch continued row'
   newmem.value-oldmem.value > 0
   avg(newmem.value-oldmem.value) > 10000
group by
   to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24')

Note that the output below only reports total chained row fetches per hour, regardless of the amount of total rows read.  The existing report is silly because it only reports the total chained row fetches per hour, a meaningless number because we don't know if it is 1% or 80% of the total row fetches:

---------------- -------------------------
2003-10-23 08                    4,462,409
2003-10-23 09                    2,962,667
2003-10-23 10                    7,178,844   

In the example above, the 4 million chained row fetches would be fine if we read 10 trillion rows, bad if we read 5 million rows.

In Oracle, we can get the total row fetches by summing the v$sysstat value for name = 'table scan rows gotten' plus 'table fetch by rowid'. 

A more meaningful report is shown below.  Here, we only alert for those hours when total chained row fetches exceed 5% of total row fetches.

                              Table Fetch     migrated/chained rows         Continued       Row
yr.  mo dy Hr.   Fetched      Row             Percent
---------------- -----------  --------------  -----
2003-10-23 08    53,372,282   4,462,409          6%
2003-10-24 09    46,282,383   2,962,667         14% 
2003-10-28 10    14,373,264   7,178,844         50%


If you like Oracle tuning, see the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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