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Built-in functions and the CBO

Oracle created function-based indexes (FBI’s) to ensure that indexes are used when you must include a built-in function on an indexed column in your SQL.  For example, the following query would not be able to use an index on the mydate column:

    . . . where to_char(mydate) = ’10-1-07’

If it’s necessary to change an indexed column with a function, you can create a function-based index on the column:

   create index
       mytab (to_char(mydate));

It’s always a good idea to re-work your SQL to remove built-in function from any where clause predicates:


   where to_num(char_column) = 123

   where to_char(date_column) = ’10-1-07’


   where char_column = ‘123’

   where date_column = to_date(’10-1-07’);

The “index invalidation also extends to partitioned table where you use a built-in function on a partitioned table key.

Partition pruning and predicate functions

Partitioning pruning refers to the ability of the cost-based optimizer to exclude irrelevant table partitions when servicing an SQL query.  This blogger has published some excellent advice on the issue of using built-in functions on partition key columns. Essentially, the use of a “predicate” built-in function (e.g. trunc, substr, to_char, &c), will disable partition pruning unless a check constraint is placed on the column:

“When you place a predicate on a function of a partition key column then the optimizer is prevented from pruning unless there is a check constraint to indicate logical equivalence between the column and the function of the column.”

“The partitioning scheme acts effectively as a series of check constraints on the individual partitions that allow table access to be avoided when it can be deduced that a predicate does not resolve to any partitions at all.”

This comment by Pete S. confirms that built-in functions can be problematic when used on table partition keys:

“Elsewhere, this week he has made an interesting observation on the use of functions on partition keys in queries . . . TRUNC prevents the use of partition elimination and therefore negates a major performance enhancing feature in an Oracle DW.”

Also, see these insightful notes on predicate pushing.

The moral of this story is that you should avoid the use of built-in functions on partitioned table keys whenever possible, but if you must use a function predicate on a partition key, make sure to create a corresponding check constraint.

Get the Complete
Oracle SQL Tuning Information 

The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning  The Definitive Reference"  is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle 11g performance and you can buy it for 30% off directly from the publisher.


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