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Oracle Security Scripts


Oracle Privacy Security Scripts

Donald Burleson & Arup Nanda

Retail Price $59.95 /  £37.95 

Order now and save over 30% off the retail price
and get instant access to the Oracle security scripts

Only $39.95


This Oracle security book has security scripts that allows you to quickly find Oracle security vulnerabilities.  You need time-tested Oracle security auditing scripts to pinpoint security vulnerabilities and ensure proper data access control.

The books contains working Oracle security scripts using dba_col_privs, dba_policies, dba_role_privs, dba_roles, dba_sys_grants, dba_sys_privs, dba_tab_privs, dba_ts_quotas, dba_users, sys.user$, v$parameter, v$session, v$timer, v$queue, v$dispatcher, v$database and v$sqltext.

Caution - These are extremely powerful Oracle security scripts.  They should only be used by a certified Oracle DBA, and after a careful review of the Oracle data dictionary script functionality.  These Oracle security scripts are not for beginners and knowledge of the Oracle data dictionary is required to fully utilize these scripts.  USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Key Features:

  • Provides Oracle security scripts and Oracle security auditing scripts using dba_col_privs, dba_policies, dba_role_privs, dba_roles, dba_sys_grants, dba_sys_privs and dba_tab_privs.

  • Oracle user resource scripts using dba_policies, dba_ts_quotas dba_users and sys.user$.

  • Detailed Oracle auditing scripts using v$parameter, v$session, v$timer, v$queue, v$dispatcher, v$database and v$sqltext.




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Kittrell, NC, 27544