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Long-Term Server Analysis and Trending

Oracle Application Server Tips by Burleson Consulting

You can also use the data from stats$vmstat to gather information for long-term trend analysis.  This long-term trend analysis is very useful for the Oracle9iAS administrator who must plan for additional application server resources. Knowing the rate at which CPU and memory are being consumed on the server is critical, since there is often a lag time of several weeks between ordering and installing new hardware resources. If you want more detail on using STATSPACK information for management planning, please see my books Oracle High Performance Tuning with STATSPACK, and The Oracle9i UNIX Administration Handbook by Oracle Press.

Daily Server Alert Report

As we have repeatedly noted, the Oracle9iAS administrator is very interested in monitoring conditions on the Oracle database servers, Application servers and the Oracle HTTP servers. This script is generally run daily to report on exceptional conditions within any server in the Oracle environment. The data is collected in five-minute intervals and reported with hourly averages. When the Oracle9iAS administrator finds an out-of-bounds server condition, they can run detailed reports that display the data in five-minute intervals.  These scripts from the code depot will produce the vmstat reports on all Oracle9iAS servers.

run_vmstat.ksh - This is the driver script that submits the vmstat alert report and e-mails the output to the appropriate staff members.

vmstat_alert.sql - This report provides information on the server conditions that may contribute to poor performance.

CPU overload report with runqueue waits

When the runqueue exceeds the number of CPUs, the server is experiencing CPU bottlenecks:

Fri Dec 29                                                             page    1

                                 run queue > 2
                         May indicate an overloaded CPU

SERVER_NAME       date       hour      runq pg_in pg_ot  usr  sys  idl      
----------------- -------------------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----      
BAD-01            00/12/22    13          6     0     0   62    7   32      
BAD-01            00/12/22    15          3     0     0   82   18    0      
BAD-01            00/12/22    17          3     0     0   76   16    8      
BAD-01            00/12/27    11          3     0     0   77    5   20      

RAM overload report with swapping

When page-in operations exist, the maximum RAM capacity of the server has been exceeded.  Most server administrators rely on the  pi column in vmstat to signal when the server is swapping RAM memory.  However, there is more to the story.

There are times when the pi column will be non-zero, even though there is no real RAM swapping.  To illustrate this let?s take a simple example. Suppose that we invoke a 20 Megabyte Oracle executable program, such as a Pro*C program. We don't need to load all 20 meg of the executable into RAM all at once.  Rather, we just want to load those pieces of the executable code that require immediate execution. Hence, UNIX will memory frames as necessary later and rely on the principle of spatial locality to minimize the amount of pages in our RAM working set.

To manage the memory segments, the UNIX kernel builds a memory map of the entire program when it starts. Included in this map is a note on whether the storage is ?in memory? or ?on swap disk?.   As the program starts it begins accessing some of its pages that have never been loaded into RAM memory.   Hence, you may see vmstat page-in?s when a large number of programs are starting and allocating their RAM memory.

During normal operation we may see various points in time when paging in happens a lot and this is not always a cause for concern.  Remember, a UNIX process may page-in when the UNIX program is starting or is accessing parts of it?s code that it had not used before.

Paging out (the po column in vmstat) happens frequently as UNIX prepares for the possibility of a page-in. With UNIX virtual memory we are always anticipating running out of RAM memory, and a page-out is a method for being ready for a subsequent page-in. Also, as UNIX processes end they call the free() system call to free the RAM pages so they can be used by new processes.

Internals of RAM memory paging

So if RAM paging in ?pi? may be  acceptable and paging out ?po? may be  acceptable, how do we tell when the RAM on a server is overstressed and swapping? One answer is to correlate the UNIX scan rate with page-in operations.  When an Oracle server begins to run low on RAM memory, the page stealing daemon process awakens and UNIX begins to treat the RAM memory as a sharable resource, moving memory frames to the swap disk with paging operations.

The page stealing daemon operates in two modes.  When RAM memory shortages are not critical, the daemon will steal small chunks of least-recently-used RAM memory from a program.  As RAM resource demands continue to increase, the page stealing daemon escalates and begins to page-out entire programs RAM regions. In short, we cannot always tell if the page-in operations that we see are normal housekeeping or a serious memory shortage unless we correlate the activity of the page stealing daemon with the page-in output.

To aid in this, the vmstat utility gives the sr column to designate the memory page scan rate. If we see the scan rate rising steadily, we will have hit the page stealing daemons first threshold, indicating that entire programs RAM memory regions are being paged out to the swap disk.  Next, we will begin to see high page-in numbers as the entire process in paged back into RAM memory.

Carefully review the list below from vmstat.  The scan rate is the furthest right column, and here we see the value of sr rising steadily as the page stealing daemon prepares for a page in.  As the sr value peaks, we see the page-in operation (pi) as the real RAM memory on the Oracle server is exceeded.

root> vmstat 2

         procs           memory                   page                

    r     b     w      avm    free   re   at    pi   po    fr   de    sr   
    3     0     0   144020   12778   17    9     0   14    29    0     3 
    3     0     0   144020   12737   15    0     1   34     4    0     8 
    3     0     0   144020   12360    9    0     1   46     2    0    13 
    1     0     0   142084   12360    5    0     3   17     0    0    21 
    1     0     0   142084   12360    3    0     8    0     0    0     8 
    1     0     0   140900   12360    1    0    10    0     0    0     0 
    1     0     0   140900   12360    0    0     9    0     0    0     0 
    1     0     0   140900   12204    0    0     3    0     0    0     0 
    1     0     0   137654   12204    0    0     0    0     0    0     0 

High CPU usage report

The DBA is often interested in times when the database CPU utilization is greater than 95 percent.

Fri Dec 29                                                             page    1

                               user+system > 70%
                          Indicates an overloaded CPU

SERVER_NAME       date       hour      runq pg_in pg_ot  usr  sys  idl      
----------------- -------------------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----      
AD-01             00/12/22    08          2     0     0   69    3   28      
AD-01             00/12/22    13         12     0     0   89   11    1      
AD-01             00/12/22    15          0     0     0   63   29    8      
AD-01             00/12/22    17          1     0     0   53   27   20      
AD-01             00/12/26    12          1     0     0   77    4   19      
AD-01             00/12/27    11          3     0     0   86    6    9      


Now let?s wrap-up this chapter with a review of the major points.

This is an excerpt from "Oracle 10g Application Server Administration Handbook" by Don Burleson and John Garmany.

If you like Oracle tuning, you may enjoy the new book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", over 900 pages of BC's favorite tuning tips & scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.


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