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Oracle Servlet Log Tables

Oracle Application Server Tips by Burleson Consulting

The Oracle9iAS servlet engine has several log tables with the Oracle9iAS Repository that are used to track servlet errors.

  • ose$http$admin.error$log - This table contains the error message number and associated text

  • ose$http$admin.event$log ? This table contains servlet event numbers and their associated text messages.

  • ose$http$admin.http$log$ - This is the repository log table that contains specific log information about remote user servlet messages.  The table contains the remote user ID, and time of the servlet request and the referrer URL.  The referrer column is most useful because you can use it to track the source of servlet requests:

SQL> desc ose$http$admin.http$log$;

 Name                          Null?    Type
 ----------------------------- -------- -------------------- SERVER_NAME                            VARCHAR2(80)
 TIMESTAMP                              DATE
 REMOTE_HOST                            RAW(4)
 REMOTE_USER                            VARCHAR2(80)
 REQUEST_LINE                           VARCHAR2(256)
 STATUS                                 NUMBER(3)
 RESPONSE_SIZE                          NUMBER(38)
 REQUEST_METHOD                         RAW(1)
 REFERER                                VARCHAR2(80)
 AGENT                                  VARCHAR2(80)

Portal Repository Log Audit Reports

Oracle Portal has several log tables in the Iasdb repository, and these can be referenced with SQL to create developer activity reports for Portal.  This produces a report similar to using the Oracle DDL system-level trigger, and tracks all Portal changes made by your development staff.  The report below references the portal.wwlog_activity_log1$ and portal.wwlog_activity_log2$ tables and produces a great report of all Portal development activity.

set echo off
set feedback off
ttitle off
clear computes
set heading on
set pages 999
set lines 70
col c1 heading 'Date'   format a20
col c2 heading 'User'   format a10
col c3 heading 'Action' format a12
col c4 heading 'URL'    format a15
col c5 heading 'Info'   format a20
col c6 heading 'Rows'   format 99,999

prompt ***************************************************
prompt Portal Row Count Summary Report
prompt ***************************************************

alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY MM DD';

break on c1 skip 2

   to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') c1,
   sum(row_count)                   c6

group by
   to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') c1,
   sum(row_count)                   c6
group by

prompt ***************************************************
prompt Portal Action Summary Report
prompt ***************************************************

   to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') c1,
   action                           c3,
   sum(row_count)                   c6
group by
   to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') c1,
   action                           c3,
   sum(row_count)                   c6
group by

prompt ***************************************************
prompt Portal Detail Summary Report
prompt ***************************************************

   to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') c1,
   userid          c2,
   action          c3,
   url             c4,
   row_count       c6
   to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') c1,
   userid          c2,
   action          c3,
   url             c4,
   row_count       c6

Here we see the report output in Listing 2.3.  This report shows us the total number of rows processed by Portal developers, aggregated by date, and a summary of all Portal developer activity by date.  This administration report is especially useful for change control tracking and quality control functions.

Portal Row Count Summary Report

Date                    Rows                                         
-------------------- -------                                       
2003-05-05             1,741                                         
2003-06-03            44,321                                          
2003-06-04             6,321                                         
2003-06-05            83,301                                         

Portal Action Summary Report

Date                 Action          Rows         
-------------------- ------------ -------                            
2003-05-05           add_to_page       13                            
                     create           375                            
                     delete            99                            
                     edit              87                            
                     error          3,123                             
                     move               3                            
                     portlet          405                            
                     provider         948                                             

2003-06-03           acl_event         77                            
                     add_to_page       54                             
                     create           377                            
                     delete            85                            
                     edit              42                            
                     portlet          923                            
                     process_back      37                            
                     ground_inval       9                            
                     provider          15                                    
2003-06-04           create            53                            
                     edit             374                            
                     login            671                            
                     logout           102                            

Portal Detail Summary Report

Date                 User       Action       URL                Rows 
-------------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------- 
2003-05-05 17:50:26  PORTAL     create                             0 
2003-05-05 17:51:59  PORTAL     create                             0 
2003-05-05 17:53:50  PORTAL     create       URL/PAGE/SHARED       0 
                     PORTAL     edit         URL/PAGE/SHARED       0 
2003-05-05 17:53:51  PORTAL     add_to_page  URL/PAGE/SHARED       0 

                     PORTAL     edit         URL/PAGE/SHARED       0 
2003-06-03 18:39:11  PORTAL     process_back                       0 
2003-06-03 18:39:13  PORTAL     edit                               0 

Listing 2.3: Oracle Portal developer activity report

The Iasdb repository also contains a wwlog_event$ table that provides total counts of Portal actions.  This report is also useful for Portal development auditing.

c1 heading 'Action' format a20
c2 heading 'Count'  format 999,999

   action    c1,
   count(*)  c2
group by
order by
   c2 desc

Here is the output (Listing 2.4).  Here we see all of the Portal activities and total counts for each activity.

Action                  Count
-------------------- --------                                        
view                       18                                         
create                     15                                        
delete                     15                                        
edit                       15                                        
access_control             12                                        
export                     12                                        
copy                       12                                         execute                    12                                         
generate                   12                                        
insert                     12                                         update                     12                                        
save                       12                                        
rename                     12                                        
query                      12                                        
manage                     12                                         
move                        2                                        
add_to_page                 1                                        
search                      1                                        
show                        1                                         
delete_from_page            1                                        
debug                       1                                        
customize                   1                                        
hide                        1
checkin                     1                                   

Listing 2.4: Portal Activity Summary Report

Now that we have a basic understand of the components of the Infrastructure database we are now ready to look at the generic infrastructure management tools and components.

This is an excerpt from "Oracle 10g Application Server Administration Handbook" by Don Burleson and John Garmany.

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